Smooth Orthodontic Treatment

The hardest part about getting braces is making it through the first week. Your mouth is getting used to the strange, new pieces of metal and you probably feel a little sore at first. Once you get through the first week, youโ€™re well on your way to a beautifully straight smile.

  • You can expect slight to moderate discomfort for the first week of your orthodontic treatment
  • There will be excess salivation, slight speech difficulty and lip or cheek irritation caused by the brackets
  • Place a piece of wax (provided by your dentist) on to the bracket that is hurting or use an anesthetic gel (to be applied on the cheek surface) for the same
  • Add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and gargle for 5-6 times in a day to soothe any irritation caused by braces
  • During the course of your orthodontic treatment avoid hard, sticky, and chewy foods
  • Maintaining your oral hygiene is very important during orthodontic treatment. It includes, brushing with an electric or orthodontic tooth brush for an interval of 2mins after every meal or at least twice daily. Flossing, preferably with a waxed floss after every meal or compulsorily in the night after dinner
  • Along with brushing and flossing a rinse with a fluoride mouth rinse for about 60 seconds is recommended for optimum oral hygiene during the course of your treatment
  • If oral hygiene is not maintained well, you tend to start developing stains, cavities and gum diseases
  • If you feel teeth becoming loose or shaky as treatment progresses, do not panic, it indicates teeth moving to their desired new position
  • Make sure you are regular with your dental visits to monitor treatment progression and for regular teeth cleaning and fillings if required
  • Any kind of orthodontic treatment concludes with a retainer phase which helps stabilizing teeth in their new desired position

Please give us a call if you have any questions or send us an email at:

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment

A few tips and tricks to follow for a smooth Orthodontic Treatment

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