Dental Implants General and Preventive Dentistry

How to Choose the Right Dental Implant Dentist

Do you have any missing teeth? One of the best aspects of living in today’s environment is that missing teeth is no longer a problem. You don’t have to live with gaps in your smile any longer. There are a variety of tooth replacement methods available, with dental implants being the most popular option due to its many advantages. However, before you commit to dental implants, you should consult with a reputable implant dentist. Here are a few things to be on the lookout for:

  • Experience in Dental Implant Placement Surgery

Choose a dental implant specialist who is experienced in the dental implant placement procedure. You should visit dentist who has done it before and has had good results. You will feel considerably more confident on the day of your surgery if you are dentist has lot of  past experience.

  • Photos of the Before and After

Dental implants can help you restore the health of your smile, but you also want to be sure that they look good. You should be proud of your smile so that you can flaunt it. You can get a better idea of what to expect from your procedure by looking at some before and after images of the dentist’s past work. You should be pleased with what you see!

  • Advanced Dental Education

It is advantageous to seek a dentist who has the kept himself updated with the latest advancements in implant dentistry by attending additional educational opportunities. Your dentist can keep their knowledge and skills sharp by taking continuing education classes. This is where prestigious dentistry institutes and organizations come in handy. As a result, you may rest assured that your dentist is up to date on all of the latest procedures and technologies.

  • Patient Feedback

It’s a good idea to check at some online reviews to discover more about what you may expect from a particular dentist. You want to discover what prior patients had to say about the dental implant procedure with the dentist in question. Look for a dentist who has a large number of thorough, positive reviews. It’s a positive sign if you see a lot of them.

  • Request a Consultation

You will be able to schedule a consultation with the dentist you are considering before committing to the procedure. During this time, you can ask any questions you may have and observe the dental team’s working environment.

You’re making an investment in your smile, so find a dentist you can trust!

This way, you’ll be able to proudly display your repaired smile in no time! These are some of the tips for finding the right implant specialist.

Dr. Pavan of Credence Dental is the Best Dental Implant Specialist with over a decade experience in Dental Implant and Dentures. He has treated many patients successfully for ages 30yrs to 80yrs.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book your appointment today

General and Preventive Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry

5 Tips to keep your teeth and gums healthy

Good oral hygiene is necessary to keep teeth and gums healthy. Gum Disease is however less common today compared to the past. It still affects 2 in 10 Indian adults by the time they reach the age of 45-50 years. If you don’t brush twice a day and floss everyday, you could also be susceptible to other health conditions that affect heart health, lung health and nutritional health. 

We’ve put together 5 easy to follow lifestyle practices that can assist you to maintain pristine oral health:

  • Brush regularly but not aggressively

Most people are aware that brushing their teeth twice a day is one of the most important practices for removing plaque and bacteria and keeping teeth clean. However, brushing may only be effective if people use the correct technique.  

People should brush using small circular motions, taking care to brush the front, back, and top of every tooth. This process takes between 2 and 3 minutes. People should avoid sawing back-and-forth motions.

Brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can damage tooth enamel and the gums. The effect of this may include tooth sensitivity, permanent damage to the protective enamel on the teeth, and gum erosion.

  • Floss once a day

Flossing can remove plaque and bacteria from between the teeth, which a toothbrush is unable to reach. It can also help prevent bad breath by removing debris and food that has become trapped between the teeth.

  • See a dentist regularly

Experts recommend that people see a dentist every 6 months for a checkup. During a routine dental examination, a hygienist will clean the teeth and remove plaque and hardened tartar. The dentist will check for visual signs of cavities, gum disease, mouth cancer, and other oral health issues. They may sometimes also use dental X-rays to check for cavities.

The results of a recent study confirmed that children and adolescents should see a dentist every 6 months to help prevent cavities. However, adults who practice good dental hygiene every day and have a low risk of oral health problems may be able to go less frequently.

  • Consider a mouthwash

Some studies indicate that certain mouthwashes can benefit oral health. For example, one review found that mouthwash containing chlorhexidine, an antibacterial ingredient, helps control plaque and gingivitis. You can also consider rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash daily.

Mouthwashes with certain essential oils are also effective, according to a meta-analysis. People may wish to ask their dentist which is the best mouthwash for their individual needs. Mouthwash cannot substitute brushing and flossing, but it can complement these practices.

  • Drink water instead of sugary drinks

Sugar-sweetened beverages are the number one source of added sugars. Trusted sources in the typical diet of those in India sipping on soda, juice, or other sugary drinks can lead to a higher risk of cavities. Eat a balanced diet. A recent study in men age 45-50 years and older showed a special benefit of eating a diet rich in high-fiber fruit, which appears to slow the progression of periodontal disease.

These are just a few tips that can help you maintain good teeth and gums!

Get your oral health checkup at Credence Dental from our expert dentists to understand the precautions you would need to take to ensure your teeth are in good shape.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

General and Preventive Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry


Do your child’s teeth get decayed easily?

Kids always have their tantrums while brushing teeth avoiding brushing properly in the back region which is the most susceptible region for decay. There are natural deep grooves present in these teeth which tend to accumulate food and if not brushed properly get decayed. So there is a need to protect such teeth. This can be done with help of sealants which will fill the tooth and seal it completely.

What are Fissure Sealants?

It’s a thin white coating painted on back teeth which seals the deep grooves on the teeth. This coating bonds on the tooth surface preventing food and bacteria from collecting on the tooth surface, and minimizing the risk of cavities. It’s a preventive treatment, especially for children who are more prone to tooth decay.

How do dental sealants work?

These are preventive measures used for mainly back teeth that are molars and premolars which seal the grooves making the tooth self-cleansable. As the grooves are sealed there is no chance of food getting lodged on the tooth surface. Also if children tend to miss brushing at times, they won’t be prone to decay as the tooth is free from deep pits and grooves.

Is the procedure painful?

The process is usually quick and straightforward, taking only a few minutes for each tooth. It’s a completely painless procedure and there won’t be any difference felt post-treatment.

Which teeth generally need dental sealant application?

While children are prime candidates for sealant application (i.e. they need sealant application for molar teeth at around 6 years of age), they can also be used in adults who have deep grooves present with molar teeth. These sealants last for many years but may chip or wear over time, hence requiring regular follow-up by a dentist. The good part is that once a sealant stays intact for 5 years, the sealed tooth is at half the risk for decay as the unsealed tooth.

When should the sealant application be done?

Sealants are often applied as soon as the first permanent molar is seen in the mouth. That is usually between 6 – 7 years of age. Children undergo a transition phase from 6 years of age, wherein front milk teeth fall off giving space for new teeth to erupt. This is the same time when four permanent molars erupt behind the last baby molars on all four sides. During this transition phase, a child’s brushing gets compromised as front teeth are very mobile and there is a fear of them falling. This is the same time when permanent molars have deep grooves and become susceptible to food lodgement and leading to tooth decay. Hence sealants can be an additional preventive measure used to help protect a child’s teeth. The next set of molars comes at age of 13 -14 years of age. So again sealant application is recommended for them. Also, children who require braces and adults with a tendency to decay are advised for sealant application.

Do I still have to brush my teeth regularly?

Yes. It is very important to do this. The smooth, sealed surface is now easy to clean without any food getting lodged in the deep grooves and making brushing easier and all molar areas self-cleansable. This helps in keeping the teeth healthy and clean with normal brushing. Use fluoridated toothpaste at night daily and once a day, which will help protect the teeth. This sealant application reduces the need for any dental fillings or any advanced treatment.

Aftercare for pit and fissure sealants

Sealant application is not an alternative for your brushing. It is important to brush your teeth twice daily even after sealant application. Cleaning your teeth regularly and appropriately along with a properly balanced diet ensures that the sealant lasts longer. Also, it is essential to visit your dentist regularly for a thorough check-up to make sure that the sealant is intact and there is no cavity formation. Sealants do wear off at times due to biting anything hard or improper brushing. In such cases, they can be reapplied and replaced to save the tooth from any decay.


It is found that children without sealants have almost three times more decay than children with sealants. Never forget that sealant application is only a preventive treatment performed by your dentist. Sealant application with proper oral hygiene measures, having a balanced diet, and regular check-ups with your dentist will help you protect your child’s teeth from any decay. 


  • There are natural deep grooves present in the teeth which tend to accumulate food
  • Sealants are a preventive treatment, especially for children who are more prone to tooth decay.
  • The process is usually quick and straightforward, taking only a few minutes
  • Sealants are often applied as soon as the first permanent molar is seen in the mouth.
  • Sealant application is not an alternative for your brushing
  • Children without sealants have almost three times more decay than children with sealants.

Get your child’s oral health checkup at Credence Dental from our pediatric dentists to understand the precautions you would need to take to ensure your child’s teeth are in good shape.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Pediatric Dentistry


In an era where access to care has received such emphasis, every parent desires that their child should receive the best dental care from a dentist who makes their child comfortable. Here is where a Pediatric Dentist plays an important role to giving quality dental care.

What is a dental home?

It’s basically an ongoing relationship between parents and dentist which includes all aspects of oral health from the time child’s first teeth erupts. This approach is mainly family centered where all concerns and queries regarding child’s teeth are taken into consideration. As we all know we have two sets of teeth and the milk teeth are the guiding teeth for your permanent teeth to grow, so it becomes very important to take good care your child’s milk teeth by helping them grow guiding permanent teeth.

Why is dental home important?

Tooth decay is one of the main issue which almost every child faces. When these cavities are not treated, various invasive treatments might be needed for the child which will be time taking, at time painful and also expensive. Education and prevention is one of the responsibility of a dental home and prevention of cavities can safeguard your child from all the trauma. Also oral health is important for overall wellbeing of a child for which Dental Home helps instill all preventive measures.

When should your child have his Dental Home?

As soon as your child’s first tooth erupts or their first birthday comes, your baby should have first dental visit. Many parents have a question, why so early dental visit?

The reasons being as follows-

  • Teeth are at risk to cavity the moment they erupt in mouth.
  • Bacteria cause’s cavities and babies get these bacteria typically in age group of 6 months to 30 months
  • Waiting too late till all teeth erupts is too late as by then your child is already prone to various bacteria because of improper brushing and eating habits

Benefits of Dental Home

Early diagnosis

Pediatric dentist understands common problems that affects child’s teeth and starts preventive measures immediately. Tooth decay, fractured tooth, stains are most likely to occur with child’s teeth, but all these problems can be resolved if you visit dentist early. Preventive measures like fluoride, gels, sealant application can be started at earliest

Exclusive dental care for children

From birth to adolescence, Pediatric dentist will take care of your child’s teeth by teaching brushing habits, giving dietary tips, and keeping the mouth clean from all bacteria.

Also if any tooth and jaw growth abnormalities are present, can be diagnosed early. Children needing braces treatment can be identified at early stage and less intensive treatment can be started immediately. Also timely referral to an orthodontist or a speech therapist can be carried out

Guide the permanent teeth

The sequencing of preventive measures is utmost important to have good permanent teeth. The timing of placement of dental sealants or fluoride gels can be anticipated from previous appointment and consecutive appointments can be scheduled. Also milk tooth exfoliation and permanent tooth eruption can be monitored and guided

Childs behavior management

Regular visits to a dental office makes the child comfortable and reduces their anxiety about various treatment procedures a children get accustomed to dental environment. This makes the parents stress free and reduces all pain and trauma a child might face or the fear which children might develop with a random dental visit.

Anticipatory guidance

An important feature of dental home is to provide anticipatory guidance to parents so that they are aware of their child’s growth and development, as well as risk factors that occur in children. This provides a framework for the dentist to start the timely treatment for every kid and periodically engage parents in conversation about their child’s oral health

Also the preventive treatment can be personalized to the need of the child as the risk factors for every kid varies and same preventive measures cannot be generalized for all children

Few things included and taught in Dental home

  • To drink milk from cup by end of their 1st birthday. Also they should not be allowed to sleep with milk bottle at night.
  • Semi solid foods should be started at 6-9 months of age
  • In between meal snacking should be always followed by swishing mouth
  • Sugar coated pacifiers is a must NO for any child
  • Appropriate sized toothbrush should be given to kids with adequate amount of toothpaste and fluoride paste should be avoided below 3 years of age
Does Your Family Have a Dental Home?

Pediatric dentist is your true friend to provide oral health for your kids and we at Minimolar (unit of Credence Dental)  would like to help you establish a Dental Home, where your children can be treated from their 1st birthday or the day their first tooth erupts. Call us today to setup a stress-free first visit for your child, and give them the best oral health care.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

Cosmetic Dentistry


Who doesn’t love a dazzling white smile? Over time our routine habits like drinking tea or coffee, aerated soft drinks, smoking, certain medications like tetracycline or simply aging can stain our teeth. Yellow teeth are something which is not liked by any person and it also reduces your confidence to talk in public or give a good smile to click pictures.

So You Want Whiter Teeth?

The solution is the Teeth whitening treatment i.e. a process to make your teeth look whiter in appearance. Teeth whitening is one of the most requested procedures by everyone to have a bold and confident smile. It is a quick, non-invasive, and affordable way to enhance your smile.

Why Is Teeth Whitening Needed?

The outer layer of the tooth is called enamel. The color or shade of teeth is created by scattering of light from enamel and the underlying 2nd layer called dentin. Thinner enamel if present will show more dentine color which is yellowish compared to enamel. Also, tooth enamel has pores in it that can easily hold stains, so a rougher tooth surface will stain easily compared to a smooth one.

There can also occur intrinsic stains on a tooth i.e. from within the tooth. The main reason for this is excessive use of fluoride or fewer medications. Teeth whitening is done mainly to remove extrinsic stains.

Bleaching vs Whitening. What is the difference?

The bleaching word is to be used only when teeth are whitened beyond their natural color. This means a bleaching agent is needed to make the teeth look lighter i.e. typically use of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide is done. The term whitening on other hand is used to make a tooth free from any form of debris or dirt. So technically our toothpaste which we use on daily basis is a teeth whitening agent. The term teeth whitening sounds better than bleaching and hence it’s more commonly used on a general basis.

Teeth whitening procedure can be done in two ways i.e. in-office technique where the dentist applies bleaching agents to make your teeth whiter or Home bleaching where you get ready kits available to use at home for lightening teeth shade. The in-office whitening technique is stronger and a quicker way compared to home bleaching kits, and hence preferred more.

Hydrogen peroxide is the main bleaching agent used and its percentage used by a dentist is around 35 to 40% whereas the home bleaching kit has only 7% of hydrogen peroxide

Preparing To Whiten Your Teeth?

Visiting a dentist is the best solution if you wish to make your teeth look whiter. Before starting the teeth whitening procedure your other dental treatments need to be finished as other dental problems can affect the success of teeth whitening treatment. For example, if you have cavities, it needs to be filled first as the bleaching agent can pass through the decayed areas and reach the inner layers of the tooth. Also if your gums have receded down and a teeth whitening agent is applied over them, you might get sensitivity. Also, whitening does not work on crowns, bridges, or veneers. So be careful!!

How is Teeth Whitening Done?

The dentist will first clean your teeth and remove all debris. This will help in keeping teeth clean from bacteria, food, or other substance which might contribute to staining. Once this is done whitening procedure is started where firstly all soft/gum tissue is first protected with a lubricant. Then the whitening agent is applied over the teeth and a light is moved across the agent which helps in removing stains. Overall the procedure takes an hour to complete. You might require 1 to 3 such appointments depending on what method is used, how severe the stains are and how white you want your teeth to be. To enhance the effect supplementary kits might be given which can be applied at home.

For home, whitening dentists can make customized trays for you to place the bleaching agent in the tray and insert in the mouth, or nowadays many over-the-counter bleaching kits are available which can be used directly. If customized trays are used, their fit and adaptation to teeth are better giving a beneficial whitening effect.  Home bleaching may take a week or more to get the desired result as the agent is weaker and requires prolonged time to see the results

Any Risk Associated With Teeth Whitening?

Whitening as such does not cause any ill effects although a few patients might experience slight sensitivity or gum irritation. Women should not do teeth whitening if pregnant as still, its effects on the fetus are unknown.


Whitening is not a permanent solution. The stains will come back. If you consume a lot of caffeine products, smoke, or use tobacco stains can easily come back. If all post-op protocols are followed, you will not need another round of teeth whitening for at least 6-12 months.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Gum Care

How to Wean a Newborn From Breastfeeding

As rightly said 

“A baby’s motivation to put food in his mouth is curiosity and copying not hunger”

What is weaning?

Weaning is the introduction of solid foods into a baby’s diet during the first year of life. Weaning is a process wherein the child is taught to taper breast milk and is introduced to various categories of foods in a step-wise fashion. The goal of the weaning process is that by one year of age child will eat modified family food i.e. food without any spices or gravy.

It is important to note that weaning is a gradual and unique process. In the beginning, children will only be learning how to eat solid food with all their primary nutrients coming from breast milk only. Weaning is not a race and the process has to be started gradually at a child’s pace, with plenty of help and encouragement.

What are the stages of weaning?

As mentioned the food has to be introduced in a gradual, step-by-step manner which starts at 6 months of age

Stage 1: Introduction of solid food (4-6 months of age)

The child will experience their first taste of food at this time. The food is given in a pureed form with help of a spoon. This might be just one or two spoons at first and child will be still relying mainly on milk feeds for their nutrition

Stage 2: Introduction to textured food (7-9 months of age)

Here the child can be offered a wider range of food with different textures and tastes. Finger foods can be introduced at this stage. By the age of 9 months, the child will gradually eat more, and dependency on milk feeds decreases.

Stage 3: Wider variety and Family food (Around 9-12months)

By end of this stage, the baby will need very little milk feed and will be enjoying more solid foods which are eaten by all family members. They will also start to eat food on their own.

What are the signs my baby is ready for weaning?

As recommended 6 months is the age to start weaning. However, every baby is different and it can be useful if you look for these signs which might be an indication that your baby is ready to be weaned.

  • Your baby can stay in a sitting position and hold their head steady.
  • Your bay can coordinate their eyes, hands, and mouth so that they can look at food and pick it
  • Their swallow reflex has developed wherein they don’t throw much food and can swallow.

How can I make weaning easier?

Weaning is easier if a child has developed a habit of having milk from other sources than breastfeeding. This can be done once breastfeeding is well established where you can introduce your child to drinking milk through a bottle. This can be continued where other family members can also get involved and help feed the baby.

As you start always remember every child needs their own time to wean, so be patient as a child is exploring the world of food. Here is some way by which weaning can be made easier:

  • Engage your child in fun play activity when you would usually nurse
  • Trying to wean the child when a child is facing teething is not a good idea
  • Try and introduce a bottle or cup when you typically breastfeed a 1-year-old child. For elder children try giving a healthy snack or offer a cup or just cuddle them
  • If your child picks up a comfort habit like thumb sucking don’t discourage it as the child might be getting adapted to the changes that are taking place as weaning has been started

What food should be given to a weaning baby?

The staple food is considered the best food for a baby to start weaning but along with it other food items are also necessary

Initially, the baby is just on breast milk, but as the child grows other foods are also required. These can be animal source food, green leafy vegetables, peas, beans, oils fat, and fruits. The 1-1-4 rule is best to follow. One spoonful of animal source food with one spoonful of cooked beans can be eaten with 4 spoonfuls of thick-cooked staple food. Along with this green leafy vegetables can also be added.

Does weaning affect oral health?

Yes absolutely. Weaning plays a major role in immediate and future dental health as good dietary habits from childhood safeguard and keeps teeth healthy for life. As children wean on different food with textures, they are beginning to practice crucial oral motor skills necessary for future facial development, strong jaw muscles, and good-aligned teeth.

Better chewing action stimulates jaw bone to grow stronger and as chewing efficiency improves more and more jaw muscles get stimulated helping in jaw growth.

Children who are given soft or refined food have oral health issues in the future, the growth is affected and teeth might not grow on time. Also as chewing is limited due to soft food given, jaw and jaw muscle growth can be limited, and teeth are weak and might erupt in a crowded fashion.

Call us today to setup a stress-free first visit for your child, and give them the best oral health care.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Gum Care

Clear Aligners or Traditional Metal Braces?

Everybody wants a great smile, but a lot of us need help getting there. Orthodontic treatment is the permanent solution for a perfect smile where your teeth issues like crowding, spacing in teeth or misalignment of teeth can be corrected.

Traditionally these teeth irregularities have been corrected by using braces which use brackets and wires to correct teeth position. But with advancement newer techniques have come which seem to be more aesthetic and appealing.

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners, also called as invisible aligners are a removable alternative to braces designed around convenience and flexibility. These aligners can fix malaligned teeth or any other irregular bite. These aligners are made of BPA-free plastic and are customised for every patient.

How do the clear aligners work?

Aligners are basically given to the patients as a set of trays which are routinely swapped every 2-3 weeks where small incremental tooth movement can be seen after using each tray. How many trays you need depends on severity of teeth misalignment.

This is achieved by digitally capturing impression/measurement and processing information using specialized software, where all the information is updated and the milling machine automatically custom fabricates set of trays for each patient.

Comfort fit of Clear Aligners

These aligners snugly fit over the teeth without touching the gums. They are trimmed to comfortable sit on your gum line. This design makes the tray less irritating and invisible. Over a period of time they become part of your body without causing any speech defects. There are no restrictions on eating or drinking any food, as you will be removing them before every meal. Also aligners allow for easy brushing and flossing and maintaining good oral hygiene.

Getting the treatment

The first step in getting your teeth aligned is meeting an orthodontist. They will perform an oral examination, take a series of X-rays and photos and take digital impression of the oral cavity.

Then based on the X-rays and impression, a line of treatment will be decided and number of aligners and time required for the entire treatment will be decided.

Care with clear aligners

  • These aligners have to be worn 22 hours a day and are taken out of mouth only for eating, drinking or brushing of teeth. 
  • Keep the aligners clean. When you brush make sure to clean the aligners in same way
  • Keep the aligners in a box given by your orthodontist so that you won’t misplace it

For more information about clear aligners read here

What teeth issues can clear aligners fix?

Depending on the brand, clear aligners can fix these alignment issues:

Crowded teeth – i.e. overlapping of teeth

Diastema – i.e. Gap between the teeth

Overbite – i.e. upper front teeth overlap with lower front teeth

Underbite – i.e. lower front teeth overlap with upper front teeth

Proclined teeth – upper teeth placed well ahead of lower teeth

Open bite – front upper and lower teeth slant outward and do not touch when mouth is closed

Benefits of clear aligners:

  • Invisible – they are virtually invisible, no one can notice that you are undergoing treatment.
  • Allergic free – No chance of an allergic reaction as the material is safe and does not cause any mouth ulcer
  • Comfort – Most comfortable and easily removable
  • Precise planning – Final result can be visualized before the treatment through th 3D view
  • No diet restrictions
  • Time saving treatment
  • Pain free treatment

Which is more effective?

Metal braces are the traditional method of straightening teeth and till date have found to be effective in correcting severe crowding cases.

For more information on metal braces read here

Also metal braces cost lower compared to clear aligners and since they are fixed to your teeth, there is no worry of losing or misplacing the.

On the other hand, aligners have an advantage over the metal braces, as they can be easily removed while eating or brushing

Also, the time span required to complete the treatment is much less than metal braces.

The comfort and fit of aligners is easily acceptable by the patient and there is no damage to the teeth, nor any worry about the metal brackets causing ulcers or coming out.

Don’t wait to change your smile and start feeling more confident today. If you want to improve your smile but are worried about your looks getting hampered with the use of metal braces. 

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Gum Care

Is root canal treatment possible in children?

When any kid is recommended by a dentist for a root canal treatment/pulpectomy, the mind begins to race. You might have dozens of questions in your mind. Aren’t milk teeth eventually going to fall off?

  • Is root canal treatment/pulpectomy possible in kids?
  • Is it painful?
  • Do milk teeth need root canal treatment/pulpectomy?
  • Aren’t milk teeth temporary teeth?

To answer these questions let’s look into the details of what is root canal treatment/pulpectomy in kids

A root canal procedure is the process of removal of the diseased pulp from your child’s tooth. The pulp is the tissue that contains nerves and blood vessels that fill up the tooth root. If at any time tooth is infected or damaged with the bacteria involving pulp, root canal treatment/pulpectomy is recommended. 

Why is root canal treatment needed in children?

Tooth decay is very common in kids due to their eating habits, consumption of sugary food and drinks, refined carbohydrates, and improper brushing. This creates tiny holes in teeth called cavities. If these cavities are left untreated they grow larger due to the bacteria present and reach the inner layer of the tooth which is the nerves that infect the tooth completely. This causes severe toothaches, and infections and may even lead to the loss of teeth. Hence it becomes necessary to save the tooth as the loss of a tooth has many consequences:

  • Speech defect
  • Loss of space as adjacent teeth might shift
  • Unaesthetic in appearance
  • Damage to the permanent teeth

To prevent all this root canal treatment/pulpectomy is done thus preserving those tiny white pearls which serve as a guide for proper placement of adult teeth and saving future expensive treatments.

What are the signs your child needs a root canal treatment/pulpectomy?

  • The first indication that something is wrong with a child’s tooth is pain, ranging from sharp, and intense to dull aching pain. This pain can be spontaneous or in response to specific stimuli like cold or hot.
  • If there occurs a pimple-like bump in the child’s gums, it is an indication of pus associated with the tooth 
  • Other symptoms like fever, general malaise, and tender lymph nodes might be present.

If you notice any of these symptoms or if you suspect that something is not right with your child’s teeth, make sure to contact your nearest dentist soon. If a kid’s root canal treatment/pulpectomy is recommended by your dentist, do not ignore the treatment and get it done immediately. Root canal treatment is not age-specific in children and can be carried out for any age if the tooth shows such symptoms.

How do I prepare my child for root canal treatment/pulpectomy?

A pediatric dentist will tell the parent how to prepare their child for root canal treatment/pulpectomy. Parents can talk to their children about the procedure and why it is necessary. A parent can help children understand what will be done in the treatment by giving examples from a daily routine like your tooth has germs, and it has to be removed. So the doctors will make your tooth sleep and remove all germs to make it white again.

X-rays will be taken by the dentist to see the extent of the infection. This can show how bad the infection is and help dentists see the shape and size of the root canal. A child will be given local anesthesia. This will prevent pain during the procedure.

What happens during a root canal procedure?

Your child’s dentist will first give anesthesia to the child. Then insert tools to remove the diseased tissue and infection from the tooth with cleaning fluids. Thorough cleaning of the tooth will be done with different instruments. The tooth will be dried, filled with medicament, and sealed with a filling. Over this, stainless steel or aesthetic cap is given to give a complete seal to the tooth and maintain its functionality.

What happens after a root canal?

Your child might have some pain after the procedure. This is normal and it lasts only for a few hours. Your dentist will prescribe pain medicine and antibiotics if needed. Ask your dentist when can child eat or drink again. Ask about any special instructions to follow after the treatment. You will be called for a follow-up after a few days.

How can you prevent the need for a root canal treatment/pulpectomy?

The best way to prevent the need for root canal treatment/pulpectomy is by maintaining your teeth in good condition.

Regular brushing and flossing help maintain teeth and gums in a healthy state. Make sure you encourage your child to brush twice daily using fluoridated toothpaste. Also, the in-between snacking and junk food have to be avoided. Make a habit of visiting your dentist every 6 months for a routine check-up, cleaning of teeth, and fluoride application. Any cavity if noticed should not be ignored and should be filled immediately. This will save your child’s teeth from the need for root canal treatment/pulpectomy thus saving your time, and money and preserving your child’s teeth.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

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