Pediatric Dentistry

Is Thumb Sucking Harmful For Your Child?

What is Thumb Sucking?

Thumb sucking is the placement of the thumb or finger at various depths into the mouth. This habit is usually not considered abnormal during the first 2 years of life. But if it extends beyond 4 years, then there is some psychological or habitual bearing to it. In both cases, the habit is considered to be harmful for the child.

What causes your child to start thumb sucking?

Babies have natural sucking or rooting reflexes. The mouth is a source of gratification for the infant. An infant associates sucking with pleasurable feelings like hunger, satiety and being held. Hence it is a normal comforting behaviour in young children. It helps self-soothe, feel secure and help them go to sleep. But if this habit persists as the child grows it calls for concern or visit Credence Dental for an expert’s advice.

It can be due to many reasons like inadequate breast-feeding, insecurity of child due to working parents, greater number of siblings, peer pressure, stress, difficulty in social adjustment. It is seen that the younger sibling, the more the frequency of thumb sucking. In the newborn the habit is due to hunger, in the first few weeks of life due to feeding problems, as a tooth during eruption of back teeth and at a later age due to emotional problems.

How will thumb sucking harm the child?

Because of thumb sucking, the child, when he puts his thumb in mouth, along with just placing it inside the mouth he tries to suck on it and applies a tremendous amount of force against his upper teeth. Due to this, his front teeth become flared and get pushed forward, and gaps start forming in between the teeth causing an unesthetic appearance. Also, because of this force, the back teeth get pushed inwards causing problems in bite which causes orthodontic problems at a later stage.

 The effects of thumb sucking mainly depends on three factors – the duration, frequency and intensity with which the habit is performed. A rise in any of these factors is harmful for the teeth. Thumb sucking can also give rise to other oral habits like mouth breathing and tongue Thursting.

When should I intervene?

Before 4 years of age, the child’s level of understanding complicates cooperation with any of the intervention options. Also, the habit does not cause much harmful effects during this age. But try keeping the child busy in doing anything so that he does not engage in the habit. Care should be taken in that enough time is given to breast-feeding to infants to decrease their urge in sucking habits and also bottle fed infants should be held by their mother and enough time should be given to this process.

After 4 years of age, intervention is needed. Use psychological plays and a reward system for the child. Discuss the problem and its effect on the teeth. Keep a daily record of episodes of digit sucking and check on the child’s progress in stopping the habit. A decrease in the number of times the habit is practiced is evidence of progress and indicates that the child will likely discontinue the habit.

Do not get over anxious regarding the habit and punish the child. This can create greater tension and may even intensify the habit. You should disregard the habit and not mention it to the child.

Use positive reinforcement. A timed reward system may also help. For each day the child refrains from the habit for a set period of time, a star is placed on a calendar. In week 1, the child receives some reward or prize predetermined by the parent if the child refrains from thumb sucking for say, 10 minutes. With each day of success during this time period, the child is praised individually and also through positive comments to family friends and relatives.

In successive weeks, increasing the time challenge, the child refrains from sucking.

The prizes are progressively enhanced in value for the child. The goal is to help the child control the urge to suck. If the child continues to successfully control the habit for 3 months, the long-term chances of stopping the habit are good.

When you are at home, try spending ample amount of time with your child, so that he does not have a feeling of insecurity. After 6 years of age, the psychological approach becomes difficult to implement as the habit has become deeply ingrained in the child, as this the child who has tried to stop but cannot get it done. This requires the use of reminder therapy and dental habit-breaking appliances to stop the habit.

Reminder therapy employs the use of some distasteful or bitter tasting agents on the finger, tying of ace-bandage on the elbow, use of long-sleeve night-gown or mittens. There are various intraoral appliances which prevents the child to put his finger entirely into the mouth thereby robbing the pleasure of sucking. 

Click Here to know more about Thumb Sucking 

Visit Credence Dental today or Schedule an Appointment with us today!!!

Our dentist provides the best dental consultation.

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Dentures, Crowns and Bridges

Ceramic Crowns – Everything You Need To Know !

What are E-Max crowns: Everything you need to know about these Ceramic Crowns

Has your dentist ever recommended an E max crown for you? If yes, let’s visit Credence Dental to get to know what these crowns exactly are. E-Max crowns are Dental Crowns made entirely with special ceramic material which is durable as well as aesthetically appealing. These special crowns material is helpful for reinforcing the tooth structure of your teeth and thus protecting it from further damage. The brand is often known as E max or simply max crowns which are used as an add on treatment after a root canal procedure

Advantages of E-Max crowns

E-Max crowns are a type of all-ceramic crown that are favored for its durable, attractive characteristics. Ceramic composed of lithium disilicate is used to make E-Max crowns. It is made from a single block lithium disilicate which makes it a very high strength crown. It is a superior grade substance that is regarded for its toughness, durability, and opaque properties. As the crown is translucent, it is said to be the greatest option for blending in with your natural teeth.

This property makes it a popular choice for restoration in your front teeth. There is no metal inside the crown so there will not be any blackish-gray line around the gum line which is esthetically non-pleasing.E-max crowns can help fix discolored or stained teeth, crooked teeth, chipped or cracked teeth decayed teeth, shape or form of teeth

How is it different from a Zirconium Crown?

E-Max and Zirconia both are metal-free dental crowns. Both are used as esthetic restorative materials. However, each material has unique characteristics that make them suitable for use for different occasions. The choice depends upon the dental condition and dentists recommendation. Zirconium Dioxide is a white crystalline oxide of zirconium. It is ceramic, also a strong material, resistant to wear, and difficult to crack for  its mechanical properties. It is a biocompatible material that is very similar to the qualities of a genuine tooth. Zirconium and porcelain are the two materials used to create zirconia crowns. On the interior of the crown, zirconium is used while the exterior is molded from porcelain

Zirconium is pale in color, which makes it blend in well with natural tooth and prevents it from exhibiting unsightly lines like PFM crowns do. Zirconia crowns are more opaque compared to E-Max crowns. Therefore, dentists recommend zirconium crowns for back teeth , that is where esthetics is not of concern and  they require sturdy material that can survive a lot of biting and chewing. Zirconium is recommended for dark teeth underneath because the opaqueness helps in covering the dark shade.

Zirconia vs E-Max crowns

Zirconia and E-Max crowns can be used to restore teeth that are severely decaying, missing, crooked, or otherwise damaged. Compared to earlier PFM crowns with metal lines, both materials are much better. Both materials are biocompatible with soft and hard tissues. E-Max crowns are more translucent. Patients who want their front teeth replaced may prefer E- max for its translucency. E-Max crowns can be used to replace back teeth as well contrary to the misconception that only zirconia crowns can be used to replace back teeth.

Despite the fact that E-Max crowns are translucent, the material can be shaped to be strong enough to replace back molars. Hence, both zirconia and E-Max crowns can be used for both front teeth and back teeth. Depending on the patient’s bite, if a patient has bruxism, it is better to go for zirconia. If not, E-Max may be the more aesthetic choice. Whether you use E-Max or zirconia crowns

It depends on how many teeth need to be replaced. While both are highly suited for replacing a single tooth, multiple usage in dental bridges or for adjacent teeth depends on dental consideration. Since it cannot provide the resistance needed by lengthy bridges, E-Max crowns are recommended on short bridges.

Ways to keep your E-Max prosthesis in good condition and trouble-free
  • Do not bite on your fingernails
  • Do not use your teeth to unclog any container
  • Use splints in ase, If you are a person who clenches teeth at night
  • Have relaxation habit and de stress before sleeping
  • Have perfect dental hygiene that meets the need of your teeth
  • Keep you dental follow up on time

If you need to replace a crown, E-Max is one of the best options. The benefits are easily appreciable. If you are desiring for the best esthetic appearance , Schedule an Appointment with us today!!!

Click Here to know more about Dental Crown for your children is required?

Visit Credence Dental today to get more information on types of E-Max crowns and what suits you.

Our dentist provides the best dental consultation.

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Pediatric Dentistry

Dental Crown – Does your child need it?

Has your pediatric dentist suggested a Dental Crown? Then read on to know more about Dental crowns and if your Child needs it or not.

Why does your child need a dental crown?

Every parent desires that their children should be free of any decay in their teeth which will help them in being healthy. Yet it doesn’t stop the initial thought by parents when they hear the word Dental crown. Thoughts keep coming to mind, is there really a need for a crown? They are just baby teeth which are eventually going to be replaced by permanent teeth. But the facts are different. Pediatric Dentistry says that baby teeth can help your child to speak properly, eat comfortably and serve as a space maintainer for their permanent teeth

If decayed teeth are not treated, it compromises other surrounding teeth too. Dental decay in children’s teeth is a significant health problem and affects 60% to 90% of school children. When teeth have decay, the dentist does a filling if the cavity is small. But if the cavity is large and involves multiple surfaces of the tooth, then doing just a filling does not suffice because the filling will lack support of the tooth structure. In such cases the dentist will recommend that tooth should be reinforced with a crown. Also, after doing a root canal treatment the placement of crowns is recommended to prevent fracture of the tooth and to avoid further ingress of bacteria

Types of Pediatric Crowns

Crowns used for children for repair and restoration of primary teeth differ slightly in terms of material used, but function in a similar manner to the adult crowns. These crowns are usually pre formed in the form of tooth shaped caps which cover vulnerable teeth , and thus store their strength

The selection of which type of crown to be placed is mainly dependent on the location where it is required in the oral cavity. Like if it’s a back tooth where esthetics is not very important metal crowns are preferred, whereas for front teeth, esthetic crowns are suggested as it will give more of a natural look.

These crowns are ready crowns and hence the treatment can be completed in a single visit itself, unlike adults where they have to visit 2 or 3 times for crown placement. If these decayed teeth or root canal completed teeth are not covered by a crown, there are high chances of breakage with the tooth, which will further complicate the case. The layers of baby teeth are very thin compared to the adult teeth and this makes them vulnerable to easy breakage. On other hand if a tooth is lost prematurely, neighboring teeth will want to fill in the space and thus create crowning of all teeth. This might be a clear indication of orthodontic treatment in future.

Stainless Steel crowns

One type of pediatric crowns is the stainless steel crowns which have been used for more than 80 years now. They are known as the gold standard in pediatric dentistry, the crown is a preformed metal shell that can be easily placed and customized to fit on any tooth. The durability, strength and resistance to moisture is 1000% compared to other crowns.

They require minimal preparation, are cost effective and the most affordable option to go for. The only concern with these crowns is of esthetics and they are metal crowns and hence cannot be given in front teeth. But when you want high strength durable crowns for back teeth, stainless steel crowns are the best.

Zirconia crowns

Today due to various technological advancements, many esthetic crowns are available in the market. Unlike stainless steel crowns, they are made up of tooth coloured material and have the same strength as stainless steel crowns. These crowns are more durable than natural tooth layers and are resistant to plaque accumulation or any decay. Also these crowns are not capable of producing an allergic response when placed in the mouth.

These crowns are known as zirconia crowns. They are the same color as that of milk teeth. Zirconia means basically it’s made up of ceramic and is the same material which is used in adult teeth. So if your child has decay in front teeth or is being treated with root canal treatment, pediatric zirconia crown can provide excellent esthetics.

Resin crowns

These are also esthetic crowns which are prepared by your dentist. These crowns demand high skills and require more time to perform. They are highly esthetic but cannot be used for uncooperative children because of the sensitive skills required. They are a good way to be used in treatment for general anesthesia and are much more affordable than zirconia crowns. But the choice of crown to be used is mainly decided by your pediatric dentist. Dental crowns seem unnecessary for baby teeth but they help restore strength and functionality.

Visit Credence Dental today to get more information on types of dental crowns and what’s best for your child.

Our pediatric dentist provide the best dental consultation.

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General and Preventive Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry

How often should children brush their teeth?

Children are in active mode from the moment they wake till the time they go back to their
pillows at night. With all of the activity they have going on routinely, often at times they start
cutting corners on certain parts of their health and wellness like brushing their teeth. The daily
bargain by kids of not brushing or only brushing once is usual in every household.

Here are some of the reason why kids don’t prefer to brush or just brush once a day

  • I am too busy in the morning – Mornings are never a very happy moment for kids as they
    are sleepy, have a blur of activity, are busy finishing their breakfast or homework. For
    other children just waking them up and getting them to reach school is itself a big chore.
    But both these kinds of kids have 1 thing in common : they don’t make time to brush their
  • After children get home from school they get busy with their friends, extra curricular
    activities or their school work. Because of this they at times forget to brush their teeth.
  • For some kids, brushing their teeth is a chore. For some reason they just don’t like
    brushing their teeth even a single time.
  • The next category of kids is the ones who say they forgot to brush their teeth. These are
    the kids who don’t mind brushing their teeth but simply need prompting to make
    brushing part of their routine
How Often Should Kids Brush Their Teeth?

When it comes to brushing , the general rule for children is the same as for adults. Twice a day,
first thing in the morning and just before going to bed at night. It is also recommended that every
child brushes their teeth for 2 to 3 minutes every time. Toothpaste is not like soap which will
lather by just applying it. It requires a technique to brush all teeth and remove the debris.

However we understand that it can be quite difficult to get your kids to brush their teeth twice a
day for that long. This is why it is important to make brushing a fun activity for kids. There are
many ways you can encourage your kids to brush their teeth.

Few activities which can be done for children include making a game out of brushing, or giving
them star stickers every time they brush their teeth. Children can also be shown educational
videos on phone or tv to make best use of the time.

The important point here is to start encouraging kids to practice good oral health early so that
these habits last for the rest of their lives. These regular brushing habits prevent children from
dental issues like tooth pain, cavities and plaque accumulation.

It has come to a conclusion that brushing teeth once a day is a poor choice for the health of the
child. So here are the ways in which you can reinforce the habit of brushing twice a day when
your child is hesitant.

  • When the child makes an excuse of being too busy in the morning, assist your child in
    creating a new morning routine which gives them proper time to brush. At the end what
    we need is just an extra 2 minutes for brushing properly. if your child takes those extra 5
    minutes to just snooze the alarm and sleep , give the child some incentive to wake up on
    time which in a way will give them time for brushing too.
  • If the child says they are too busy at night, just before the child goes to bed , make a habit
    of checking their teeth, and you can get involved with the child by crushing them. This
    way children get motivation to complete the task. Just stand in front of the mirror, play
    some songs and do brushing with your child.
  • If the child says they don’t like brushing, allow the child to choose their own toothbrush
    and toothpaste. This gives them ownership of small decisions which will make them
    exciting for brushing.
  • If the child says i frog, help them make a new routine for themselves. Make a visual chart
    and allow them to put stickers on it when they brush their teeth. After they have gained a
    certain number of stars on their chart, give them a fun gift , which itself can reinforce the
    habit and make it a daily routine.

Brushing ideally should take place in the morning after breakfast and in evening after dinner.
Morning brushing habits ensure that their breath is fresh and teeth are properly cleaned. Brushing
at night removes any sugar, acid or excess food from teeth and gums, aiding in good oral health
throughout the night. Pediatric dentists often use the phrase 2 by 2 during preventive visits to
remind children of the number of times they have to brush and for how long brushing is

Click here to know about the Different Brushing Techiniques for Children and how these would help you as parent to ensure your Child’s Dental hygiene is upto mark.

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Root Canal Treatment and Endodontics

What to expect from a root canal procedure?

Whose eyes don’t pop up by just listening to these words “You need a root canal treatment” Root canal treatment has earned such a bad reputation over the years, that they are used as a comparison tool by which a given situation is deemed more or less terrible. But gone are the days when this fear and pain were actually troublesome for patients. Thanks to modern advances in dentistry, these procedures are now fairly straightforward, painless, and undeserving of the terror associated with their name. 

Root canal treatment is a treatment meant to repair and save a severely decayed or infected tooth. The process involves the removal of the tooth nerve and pulpal tissue, followed by which cleaning and sealing of the tooth inside is done. When the process is complete, the tooth and its surrounding tissue have to be protected from infection. 

What is root canal treatment? 

A root canal is part of the tooth. It is the hollow section of a tooth that contains the nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other cells known as the pulp. basically, a tooth has two parts – the part seen in the mouth is the crown part and the part inside the gums is the root part. Inside the tooth is the canal which has pulp. Pulp is the tissue that gives the sensation of hot or cold or pain when there is inflammation. 

The name of the dental procedure commonly referred to as a root canal is endodontic therapy which means inside the tooth. However, the term root canal is commonly used as a term of treatment modality. 

How painful is root canal treatment? 

One of the scariest fears anyone has about root canal treatment is the pain associated with it but if treatment is carried out by a trained dentist, it is not a painful treatment. The pain that is felt comes from the infection and not from the technique. Hence treatment does not cause pain. It helps to alleviate it. The dental surgeon will relieve the pain of the procedure by numbing the tooth and surrounding area. After the treatment some tenderness is normal. It is normal and goes away with a few medications prescribed by your dentist. 

Who needs root canal treatment? 

If the pulp present in the root canal becomes injured or diseased, it can be repaired on its own. And the tissue dies. Also if there is a big cavity, broken tooth, or fractured filling, the bacteria can enter the pulp. this will eventually destroy the pulp and cause infection. Also if the infection proceeds further beyond the root, the bone present below the root also will be infected. This will break the bone and infect the ligaments too thus making tooth loss. 

This kind of pulp injury makes the tooth sensitive to high and low temperatures or pain while eating. Also, some patients might have continuous dull kinds of pain. Without treatment, the infection will spread and eventually the tooth cannot be saved and will need removal. Root canal treatment will help save the tooth and thus prevent any form of abrupt tooth movement. 

Recovery and Aftercare: 

IS there a long recovery time after a root canal?

No. Besides giving local anesthetic which needs a few hours to wear off, things are quite normal. It’s important to take a few post-treatment precautions like not chewing hard, sticky, or crunchy food from the same side where treatment is done. Eat soft food until the permanent filling is completed. If you are sore it will probably be from the injection site or keeping your mouth open for a long time. To help with the discomfort take over-the-counter medication. Apply a cold compress to the side for a few minutes.

After the final crown is placed on your teeth, it’s important to floss daily and keep the area clean. That’s because plaque can still accumulate around the edges of the crown and may cause cavities or gum disease. Hence oral hygiene maintenance is a must. 

Is Root canal treatment safe? 

Yes absolutely. Root canal treatment utilizes safe, high-quality materials that are biocompatible and gives long-lasting support. It’s always better and safer to do a root canal rather than to avoid it and go for complex treatments in the future. Especially if the tooth is left untreated it could potentially put you in the hospital making it an emergency situation. 

So if a root canal treatment is in your future, don’t panic. Instead, take time to familiarize yourself with the procedure so you can keep your anxiety in check.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

General and Preventive Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry

Brushing Techniques for Children

Brushing a child’s teeth or making children brush is the most tedious chore for any parent. At the
same time it’s the most important oral hygiene habit especially in growing age. As a parent it can
be challenging to help teach your child tooth brushing technique that works for them. To help
you out we have created simple guide to get your children for brushing their teeth regularly
without it feeling like a chore.

When to start Brushing your child’s teeth?

Good oral health habits should begin at an early age. Brushing your child’s teeth should begin
when their first tooth begins to come in or as directed by your pediatric dentist. Children need
help with brushing their teeth until they are 6-7 years of age. Even before your child actually has
teeth, it is important to perform oral health care. Use of damp washed cloth or a piece of gauze,
by gently rubbing it over infants gum helps in cleaning of gum pads. Also an infant’s mouth
should be cleaned after every feeding. This can be done by cradling head with one hand while
using free hand to wipe babies mouth with clean wet gauze.

General Brushing tips for children:

  • To brush an infant’s teeth, use a soft bristled, age appropriate toothbrush. Fluoridated toothpaste
    if given at a smaller age, consult your pediatric dentist first for the exact amount of toothpaste to
    be used.
  • For toddlers, just a smear layer of toothpaste is sufficient to use. For children below 3 years of
    age use rice grain amount of toothpaste, whereas for children above 3 years of age use a pea size
    amount of toothpaste.
  • Children aged 6-8 years are capable of brushing on their own. But still the brushing has to under
    the supervision of parents if the child is unsure whether they have cleaned all areas of mouth.
  • Encourage children to brush their teeth at least twice a day , morning and night with a soft
    bristled toothbrush. Hard bristles are too abrasive for young children.
  • If children are lazy enough to brush their teeth, battery powered toothbrushes can also be used
    which can remove the sticky plaque from teeth easily.
  • Children’s toothbrushes have to be replaced every 3 to 4 months or sometimes sooner too if the
    bristles get frayed. Also if your child has a recent cold or flu, it’s better to replace the toothbrush
    to avoid reintroducing germs associated with those conditions.

Technique for brushing child’s teeth

As children cannot clean their teeth thoroughly, they need guidance. Hence parents have to
supervise children’s brushing until the age of 6-8 years.
Step 1: Brushing for kids has to be in a circular motion. Instead of just rubbing brush on teeth,
make them do circles on front and back teeth one at a time. Count the number of circles to 20
and see to it that circular motion is covering all teeth
Step 2: then angle toothbrush at 45 degrees towards the gum of upper and lower teeth and swipe
Step 3: tell the child to open their mouth and then the toothbrush should be moved gently in
back and forth motion with short strokes on back teeth
Step 4: the tip of the brush should be placed in upright position to reach behind front teeth on
top and bottom
Step 5: Brush the tongue to remove bacteria on the surface.

To get the children in routine brushing, brush your teeth at the same time as them so that they
learn by your example. This also helps to keep a check if children are using the correct brushing

Also you can have a check this way to see if your child is brushing the correct way.
The other way to get the child to brush is by playing their favorite song that they can listen to
while they brush. This way children will enjoy brushing and not think of it as a boring daily

Regular dental visits should usually start as early as six months or when a child’s first tooth
erupts or by child’s first birthday. When children are taught oral hygiene habits at an early age,
they are more likely to continue the same habit throughout adulthood. A healthy smile is a happy
smile, so help your kids to have the best possible smile by teaching them the importance of
brushing their teeth in the correct way.

General and Preventive Dentistry

Is teeth grinding a Problem?

Grinding teeth is a common activity which is done by many people from time to time. This teeth grinding, also called as bruxism in medical terms, does not usually cause harm, but when teeth grinding occurs on a regular basis, teeth can be damaged and lead to oral health complications.

Usually a person himself does not recognize the grinding of their own teeth. It is always your family members or parents who can hear the noise of teeth grinding or make you realize your habit.

Why do people grind their teeth?
Teeth grinding can be caused by stress and anxiety, but this usually occurs during sleep. It can also occur due to abnormal bite or missing or crooked teeth. Sleep disorders like sleep apnea may also be the cause of teeth grinding.

How do I find out if I grind my teeth?
As said, grinding of teeth usually occurs at night time, hence many people are unaware about their habit. However a dull constant headache or sore jaw after waking up in the morning is a symptom of teeth grinding. Mostly it is your family members who come to know about the noise you make in sleep.

If you suspect or are told by someone about teeth grinding, talk to your dentist. They can examine your mouth and jaw for any signs of bruxism like jaw tenderness or excessive wear of your teeth.

Risk factor for teeth grinding
● Stress, anxiety
● Alcohol, Smoking
● Drugs: Antidepressants, Anti psychotics, Cocaine
● Excessive use of caffeine

Your dentist or oral health professional can assess the influence of these risk factors.

Is teeth grinding harmful?
In some cases, if teeth grinding continues for a long duration, like every night, then it can result in fracture or loss of tooth structure. Grinding wears off the tooth completely making it sensitive to cold or hot foods and thus increasing teeth sensitivity. Also teeth might wear completely down to the stumps. This causes the need for treatments like placement of bridges, crowns or even root canal of such teeth to reduce teeth sensitivity.

Not only can severe grinding of teeth damage teeth or result in tooth loss , it can also affect your jaws or worsen TMJ and change the appearance of your face.

How can I stop teeth grinding?
Your dentist can fit you a mouth guard to protect your teeth from grinding during sleep. This will prevent wear of your teeth and prevent it from chipping . Also the jaw soreness or muscle tension is eliminated with no morning headaches or sore jaw.

What else can I do to stop grinding my teeth?
Your dentist may also review your medication just to see if that’s what is contributing to stress. If stress is causing you to grind teeth, ask your doctor about options to reduce your stress. Attend a stress counseling session, see a physical therapist or obtain a prescription for muscles relaxant for soothing effect.

Cognitive behavioral therapy , a type of talk therapy can help reduce stress. Exercise, medication and physical therapy is also of great help.

Other way to cut back grinding of teeth:
Do not chew on pencils or pen or anything that is not food Avoid chewing gums as it allows your jaw muscles to get more used to clenching and more likely to grind teeth If you have a habit of day grinding, position the tip of your tongue between your teeth just behind the front teeth , with lips together. This helps your jaw muscles to relax and prevents teeth clenching. Avoid or reduce caffeine in foods and drinks like colas or coffee

Outlook for people with Teeth grinding:
Follow your doctor’s recommendations. If a nighty guard is given to you, wear it regularly. Sticking to your treatment plan helps in improving the symptoms and making you feel best.

Teeth grinding or bruxism happens when you clench and grind your teeth. It can happen when you are awake or during night time. Night teeth grinding can cause more problems as we don’t realize the severity with which we are grinding our teeth. Without treatment teeth grinding can cause jaw muscles and joints to get sore and give you bad headaches. If you are facing such problems visit your dentist immediately and find the right treatment option for you.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Pediatric Dentistry


Untreated dental cavities in kids are a serious dental problem that is faced by many parents. One in every five children has a problem with dental cavities. While we know the application of dental fluoride is a well-known preventive measure in children, it’s not the choice of treatment when there are deep cavities present.

Untreated dental decay extending in deeper layers of the tooth requires mechanical removal with hand instruments or drills. This lost tooth structure is restored using filling material.

But can we really follow all clinical steps and complete the treatment in uncooperative patients too?

Children with low cooperation levels need noninvasive intervention until a certain age, after which the drill and fill concept can be applied to them. Hence non-invasive interim intervention i.e. no drill concept is necessary for arresting dental cavities. One such intervention which has helped all Pediatric Dentist is the application of Silver Diamine fluoride (SDF)

What is SDF?

SDF is an inexpensive, non-invasive medicament that is applied topically. It is 38% SDF, a silver fluoride with the addition of ammonia. SDF has FDA and drug administration approval and can be used in arresting dental cavities 

Is SDF effective?

SDF has been used internationally for decades to arrest caries in primary as well as permanent teeth. SDF is twice the strength of commercially available fluoride varnish hence proving to be effective means of arresting cavities. 

Who is the right candidate for the application of SDF?

SDF has its main use in children and adolescents when patients co-operation for dental treatment is limited may be due to young age, situational anxiety, or developmental and intellectual disabilities. 

Applying SDF will not restore the form and function of teeth like the traditional filling. It’s just a means to stop the decay process and prevent the child from developing any form of deeper cavities. 

If the SDF application is done without a plan for future filing, it could provide a reservoir for exacerbation of the decay process via the food impaction in the cavity and thus increasing the 

SDF has clinical utility in children and adolescents when patient cooperation for restorative dentistry is limited due to young age, situational anxiety, or intellectual and developmental disabilities. Application of SDF does not restore form and function to teeth with dental caries as do traditional restorations.

The use of SDF without a plan for restoration of the decayed teeth could provide a reservoir for exacerbation of the caries process via food impaction in cavitated lesions and subsequent metabolism of fermentable carbohydrates to acid by cariogenic bacteria.

Also, if teeth are not restored with appropriate fillings it can lead to disturbance in the child’s bite relationship and jeopardize the space needed for permanent teeth to erupt. Hence the application of SDF IS not a replacement for the filling of a tooth. Rather it is an effective interim therapy that is used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan supervised by a dentist within a dental home.

Side effects of Using SDF?

SDF applied to any dental cavity or any tissue of mouth, lips or skin causes significant black staining due to the presence of Silver oxide. Staining of skin and oral mucosa tends to resolve within a few days as the cells present in the skin slough off. In contrast, any dental cavities treated with SDF remain permanently black which is a significant aesthetic problem, especially in anterior teeth

How does SDF work?

SDF works because Silver and fluoride can stop dental decay. Silver has antibacterial properties which makes it a perfect agent to stop decay. Fluoride increases the rate at which the tooth can be remineralized and it also increases resistance to harmful acids. Also, fluoride has antimicrobial properties 

Benefits of SDF

Non-invasive – As treatment just required the application of the solution without drilling

Safe – It’s FDA approved and does not contain harmful agents

Cost-effective – Compared to invasive treatments, the cost of treatment is less

Quick – Treatment can be completed in a short time

SDF vs Drilling 

SDF is the best alternative to filling cavities in small children. This is a non-invasive treatment that requires minimum time compared to the time needed for filling. The sound of the drill or its sensation can at times be scary for children and make them dislike dental clinics. So to avoid these factors, it’s always better to use a non-invasive procedure for the start and later move with the invasive part.

Talk with your Pediatric Dentist today for more details on SDF.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Dental Implants Dentures, Crowns and Bridges

Benefits of implant-supported dentures

Are you tired of loose ill-fitting dentures and don’t feel like wearing your dentures at all?

Denture fitness is a widespread problem faced by multiple patients. There can be various reasons for the ill-fitting nature of dentures but don’t worry we have a solution for your dental concern which is implant-supported overdentures. 

Implant-supported Dentures are a special type of prosthesis which use dental implants as the main source for stability and tight fix. In other words, implant-supported overdentures have a combined quality of dental implants and removable Dentures.  So if we have an alternative to the route removable dentures with good stability and support why not opt for the same!!

Who can benefit from implant-supported overdentures?

If your old dentures are not comfortable for you and they just slip when you are speaking,  Implant-supported overdentures can be a great option to look for. These Dentures provide a sound foundation, thereby improving chewing and speech efficiency. But the main requirement for placement of such dentures is excellent and sufficient density and thickness of residual bone available so that it can hold implants firmly in place.

How do implant-supported dentures function?

On the inner side of dentures, overdenture attachments are placed whose corresponding part is seated over the implants. Both these corresponding attachments fit into each other perfectly, thus preventing the moving or slippage of dentures.

Fixed versus removable prosthesis design

Most patients prefer fixed types of dentures to have the feel of natural teeth. Also in most situations with good bone present and if patients maintain adequate oral hygiene, a fixed implant will be a comfortable and suitable treatment option

As there is an extra cost associated with the fabrication of fixed dentures,  they are costlier than removable ones.  However, implant-supported dentures appear to have fewer routine maintenance requirements.

Utilization of two or four implants leads to excellent function and gives good support. During the treatment planning, it is important to ensure all criteria of the amount of bone present, and the space present is adequate so that the fabrication of denture is not vulnerable to fracture

Steps involved

Initially, your dentist will evaluate entirely to check if you are the ideal candidate for the procedure. This will involve clinical examination and medical and dental history. 

If you are fit for treatment,  the next step will be of extraction of all remaining teeth. Following this, a healing period of a few months will be needed to allow for bone to regenerate and this is followed by further CT scan to evaluate the condition of the bone.

Immediately after tooth extraction, a temporary denture will be given. 

The next step involved the placement of implants which is a surgical procedure carried out under local anesthesia which will again be followed by a healing period. The waiting period after the placement of implants is of 3 to 4 months. After a few months depending on healing next step will be of placement of screw caps for implants following which measurements will be made and sent to a lab for fabrication of overdenture.

Once overdenture is received from the lab they are attached to the implants placed in the jaws with fine precision so that the denture gets engaged with the implants and prevents any movement of the denture.

What are the Advantages of implant-supported overdentures?

For some patients who are not satisfied with the removable dentures because of poor fit or loose nature of denture, implant-supported overdentures can be a boon for any form of defects in gums as generally, the normal Dentures become loose if any growth occurs on gum or if the bone height is reducing.

  1. Patients have superior mastectomy, functional and quality score
  2. Maintenance of oral hygiene is easier 
  3. Aesthetics is superior 
  4. It’s a long-term fixed kind of treatment  option.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

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