Gum Care

Clear Aligners or Traditional Metal Braces?

Everybody wants a great smile, but a lot of us need help getting there. Orthodontic treatment is the permanent solution for a perfect smile where your teeth issues like crowding, spacing in teeth or misalignment of teeth can be corrected.

Traditionally these teeth irregularities have been corrected by using braces which use brackets and wires to correct teeth position. But with advancement newer techniques have come which seem to be more aesthetic and appealing.

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners, also called as invisible aligners are a removable alternative to braces designed around convenience and flexibility. These aligners can fix malaligned teeth or any other irregular bite. These aligners are made of BPA-free plastic and are customised for every patient.

How do the clear aligners work?

Aligners are basically given to the patients as a set of trays which are routinely swapped every 2-3 weeks where small incremental tooth movement can be seen after using each tray. How many trays you need depends on severity of teeth misalignment.

This is achieved by digitally capturing impression/measurement and processing information using specialized software, where all the information is updated and the milling machine automatically custom fabricates set of trays for each patient.

Comfort fit of Clear Aligners

These aligners snugly fit over the teeth without touching the gums. They are trimmed to comfortable sit on your gum line. This design makes the tray less irritating and invisible. Over a period of time they become part of your body without causing any speech defects. There are no restrictions on eating or drinking any food, as you will be removing them before every meal. Also aligners allow for easy brushing and flossing and maintaining good oral hygiene.

Getting the treatment

The first step in getting your teeth aligned is meeting an orthodontist. They will perform an oral examination, take a series of X-rays and photos and take digital impression of the oral cavity.

Then based on the X-rays and impression, a line of treatment will be decided and number of aligners and time required for the entire treatment will be decided.

Care with clear aligners

  • These aligners have to be worn 22 hours a day and are taken out of mouth only for eating, drinking or brushing of teeth. 
  • Keep the aligners clean. When you brush make sure to clean the aligners in same way
  • Keep the aligners in a box given by your orthodontist so that you won’t misplace it

For more information about clear aligners read here

What teeth issues can clear aligners fix?

Depending on the brand, clear aligners can fix these alignment issues:

Crowded teeth – i.e. overlapping of teeth

Diastema – i.e. Gap between the teeth

Overbite – i.e. upper front teeth overlap with lower front teeth

Underbite – i.e. lower front teeth overlap with upper front teeth

Proclined teeth – upper teeth placed well ahead of lower teeth

Open bite – front upper and lower teeth slant outward and do not touch when mouth is closed

Benefits of clear aligners:

  • Invisible – they are virtually invisible, no one can notice that you are undergoing treatment.
  • Allergic free – No chance of an allergic reaction as the material is safe and does not cause any mouth ulcer
  • Comfort – Most comfortable and easily removable
  • Precise planning – Final result can be visualized before the treatment through th 3D view
  • No diet restrictions
  • Time saving treatment
  • Pain free treatment

Which is more effective?

Metal braces are the traditional method of straightening teeth and till date have found to be effective in correcting severe crowding cases.

For more information on metal braces read here

Also metal braces cost lower compared to clear aligners and since they are fixed to your teeth, there is no worry of losing or misplacing the.

On the other hand, aligners have an advantage over the metal braces, as they can be easily removed while eating or brushing

Also, the time span required to complete the treatment is much less than metal braces.

The comfort and fit of aligners is easily acceptable by the patient and there is no damage to the teeth, nor any worry about the metal brackets causing ulcers or coming out.

Don’t wait to change your smile and start feeling more confident today. If you want to improve your smile but are worried about your looks getting hampered with the use of metal braces. 

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Gum Care

Is root canal treatment possible in children?

When any kid is recommended by a dentist for a root canal treatment/pulpectomy, the mind begins to race. You might have dozens of questions in your mind. Aren’t milk teeth eventually going to fall off?

  • Is root canal treatment/pulpectomy possible in kids?
  • Is it painful?
  • Do milk teeth need root canal treatment/pulpectomy?
  • Aren’t milk teeth temporary teeth?

To answer these questions let’s look into the details of what is root canal treatment/pulpectomy in kids

A root canal procedure is the process of removal of the diseased pulp from your child’s tooth. The pulp is the tissue that contains nerves and blood vessels that fill up the tooth root. If at any time tooth is infected or damaged with the bacteria involving pulp, root canal treatment/pulpectomy is recommended. 

Why is root canal treatment needed in children?

Tooth decay is very common in kids due to their eating habits, consumption of sugary food and drinks, refined carbohydrates, and improper brushing. This creates tiny holes in teeth called cavities. If these cavities are left untreated they grow larger due to the bacteria present and reach the inner layer of the tooth which is the nerves that infect the tooth completely. This causes severe toothaches, and infections and may even lead to the loss of teeth. Hence it becomes necessary to save the tooth as the loss of a tooth has many consequences:

  • Speech defect
  • Loss of space as adjacent teeth might shift
  • Unaesthetic in appearance
  • Damage to the permanent teeth

To prevent all this root canal treatment/pulpectomy is done thus preserving those tiny white pearls which serve as a guide for proper placement of adult teeth and saving future expensive treatments.

What are the signs your child needs a root canal treatment/pulpectomy?

  • The first indication that something is wrong with a child’s tooth is pain, ranging from sharp, and intense to dull aching pain. This pain can be spontaneous or in response to specific stimuli like cold or hot.
  • If there occurs a pimple-like bump in the child’s gums, it is an indication of pus associated with the tooth 
  • Other symptoms like fever, general malaise, and tender lymph nodes might be present.

If you notice any of these symptoms or if you suspect that something is not right with your child’s teeth, make sure to contact your nearest dentist soon. If a kid’s root canal treatment/pulpectomy is recommended by your dentist, do not ignore the treatment and get it done immediately. Root canal treatment is not age-specific in children and can be carried out for any age if the tooth shows such symptoms.

How do I prepare my child for root canal treatment/pulpectomy?

A pediatric dentist will tell the parent how to prepare their child for root canal treatment/pulpectomy. Parents can talk to their children about the procedure and why it is necessary. A parent can help children understand what will be done in the treatment by giving examples from a daily routine like your tooth has germs, and it has to be removed. So the doctors will make your tooth sleep and remove all germs to make it white again.

X-rays will be taken by the dentist to see the extent of the infection. This can show how bad the infection is and help dentists see the shape and size of the root canal. A child will be given local anesthesia. This will prevent pain during the procedure.

What happens during a root canal procedure?

Your child’s dentist will first give anesthesia to the child. Then insert tools to remove the diseased tissue and infection from the tooth with cleaning fluids. Thorough cleaning of the tooth will be done with different instruments. The tooth will be dried, filled with medicament, and sealed with a filling. Over this, stainless steel or aesthetic cap is given to give a complete seal to the tooth and maintain its functionality.

What happens after a root canal?

Your child might have some pain after the procedure. This is normal and it lasts only for a few hours. Your dentist will prescribe pain medicine and antibiotics if needed. Ask your dentist when can child eat or drink again. Ask about any special instructions to follow after the treatment. You will be called for a follow-up after a few days.

How can you prevent the need for a root canal treatment/pulpectomy?

The best way to prevent the need for root canal treatment/pulpectomy is by maintaining your teeth in good condition.

Regular brushing and flossing help maintain teeth and gums in a healthy state. Make sure you encourage your child to brush twice daily using fluoridated toothpaste. Also, the in-between snacking and junk food have to be avoided. Make a habit of visiting your dentist every 6 months for a routine check-up, cleaning of teeth, and fluoride application. Any cavity if noticed should not be ignored and should be filled immediately. This will save your child’s teeth from the need for root canal treatment/pulpectomy thus saving your time, and money and preserving your child’s teeth.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

General and Preventive Dentistry

Eating Disorder and Dental Health

Good eating habit definitely makes for good oral health, but what about eating disorders? The harmful habits and lack of nutrition that are typical of compulsive eating, starvation or purging can have severe consequences on dental health. These eating disorders can cause temporary or permanent damage to teeth and mouth.

People with eating disorder can hide their problems from family and friends but this isn’t hidden from a dentist. 90% of such cases show signs and symptoms which are first visible in mouth. Dental health refers to overall functioning of body and is especially pertaining to health of teeth and gums. Your teeth just don’t help you in talking, eating or biting, but your teeth can also speak about your overall well-being.

Dentist are becoming first line of defense when it comes to identifying their patients with any eating disorder. Here dentist approaches their patients in an effective and non-judgmental manner when talking about concerns regarding eating disorder.

How does eating disorder damage your teeth?

Nutrients that promote oral health include calcium, iron and vitamin B. If your nutrition levels are poor, gums and other soft tissue often tend to bleed easily.  Insufficient calcium levels lead to tooth decay and cause its brittleness. Insufficient vitamin B can commonly cause bad breath and lead to development of ulceration in mouth. Insufficient iron levels too can lead to ulcerations. Gums can become red and swollen like almost glossy looking which is a sign of gingivitis.

The mouth can be extremely dry due to dehydration and lip can become reddened, dry and cracked. Glands producing saliva may swell and individuals can experience dry mouth. Frequent vomiting leads to production of acid which at time regurgitates and flows over all teeth. This leads to loss of outer covering of tooth because of the acidic reflux making the teeth brittle, translucent and weak. At such times eating or drinking hot or cold food becomes difficult. In extreme cases tooth nerves gets exposed and cause infection, or discoloration of tooth.

Purging can lead to scratches, redness and cuts inside the mouth. Such damage is like a warning sign for dentist as usually soft palate doesn’t get bruised easily. Such patients also have bruises on knuckles too because of the pressure applied by fingers in order to purge

On the other hand excessive eating disorders also has its own dental effects. A frequent binge and purge cycle can cause enlargement of salivary glands. This makes the glands painful which causes emotional distress. Strong stomach acid badly destroys the teeth, making them decay prone and sensitive. Such teeth are prone to fracture and loose its original shape and size.

Signs of an eating disorder in mouth

Dental professionals can help millions of people by understanding the etiology of eating disorders, recognizing the warning signs and intervening them at appropriate time. A routine dental check-up can be of great help to look up for these signs. Dentist can also show if the person is relatively new or a chronic purger. Some of these signs are:

  • Tooth decay
  • Erosion of teeth
  • Sore throat
  • Dry mouth
  • Cracked lips
  • Enlarged parotid gland
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Decreased saliva production
  • Teeth appearing translucent
  • Fractured and brittle teeth

Treatment for eating disorders affecting oral health

Encourage patients to maintain meticulous oral health with regular brushing and flossing and regular dental visit. A confidential relationship has to be maintained between dentist and patient and patient should feel that dental office is a safe place to disclose their problems and accept the therapy.

Patient should be honest with their purging behaviors with the dentist. Immediate rinsing of mouth with water or sugar free mouth rinse is recommended. Brushing should be done an hour after food as actually scrubbing teeth can lead to more seepage of the acid.

Patients with dry mouth should constantly moisturize their mouth to prevent any form of tooth decay as less saliva production makes teeth vulnerable to decay.

Fluoride rinses or desensitizing or remineralizing agents may be prescribed according to the need.

Good oral hygiene

  • Rinse your mouth with tap water after vomiting
  • Brush from gum line towards top of teeth. This allows for bristles of brush to reach between the teeth. Use flexible toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste.

We can help you

Intervention by family or a dental professional can spur someone to seek eating disorder treatment.  Early detection can ensure a smoother and successful recovery for overall health as well as oral health. The key is to direct individuals with eating disorder in direction of professional help

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Pediatric Dentistry

How and when to introduce a pacifier to babies?


Pacifiers are objects that are put into the baby’s mouth during periods of distress or crying when the infant is either not hungry or his stomach is too full to eat but still needs the pleasure derived from sucking on something. They help in soothing the babies while crying.

Why do babies like Pacifiers and Sucking?

Babies like sucking because it makes them feel like being in their mother’s womb. In the womb the babies suck their fingers because the womb’s soft walls deflect their hands towards the mouth. After birth, they try to suck their fingers but cannot do it because of poor muscle coordination. That’s why babies are so relieved when you put a pacifier, breast, or bottle right into place.

When should my baby start using a pacifier?

In breastfed babies, pacifiers should be used only when the baby is one month of age and older so that till this time he gets used to the normal nursing routine. Early pacifier use can disrupt the breastfeeding habit. Pacifiers may hide feeding cues in your babies. Feeding cues are ways that your baby tells you that they are hungry. This can eventually affect the mother’s milk supply.

Bottle-fed babies can be given pacifiers right after birth.

How to choose a Pacifier?

Usually, there are two types of pacifiers: Orthodontic and Non-orthodontic. Always choose a pacifier that promotes oral development. This can be accomplished by looking out for the word ‘Orthodontic’ on the product.

The orthodontic design imitates the natural nipple and accommodates the baby’s natural tongue thrust. This motion is similar to the one when the baby pulls milk from the mother’s natural breast. The nipple tip is flatter and square-shaped. 

The non – orthodontic design is the older design with a bubble tip.

Research suggests that Orthodontic designs are best as they do not alter the shape of the baby’s dental arch/ridge.

Do pacifiers help in relieving pain?

The American Academy of Paediatrics lists pacifiers as one of the key methods to relieve pain in infants younger than 3 months of age during minor procedures in the emergency department. Also, pacifier use has been recommended to relieve a crying baby during the following procedures: catheterization, circumcision, heel sticks, immunizations, insertion of an intravenous line, lumbar puncture, screening for retinopathy of prematurity, and venepuncture.

At what age can the pacifier be used?

Each and every child’s mouth and teeth develop differently. Using pacifiers beyond 2 years of age should be a decision made by the parents by discussing with their Paediatric Dentist or Paediatrician. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends discontinuing the use of pacifiers by 3 years of age. After 2 years of pacifier use, noticeable changes can be seen in the dentition. But the use of pacifiers beyond 4 years of age causes negative dental effects like crooked teeth and malocclusion. Also, it is recommended to reduce the use of pacifiers after 10 months of age as it may increase the risk of middle ear infection.

How to keep the pacifiers clean and safe for my baby?

  • Till 6 months of age, it is mandatory to boil the pacifier before first use and let it completely cool before putting it in your baby’s mouth.
  • After 6 months, you can clean the pacifier with soap and water or in a dishwasher and allow your baby to use it.
  • Clean the pacifier with warm water between uses.
  • Do not share the pacifier among siblings.
  • If the pacifier falls down on the floor, do not put the pacifier in your own mouth to clean it as it causes transmission of infection.
  • Replace pacifiers every 1-2 months.
  • Immediately change the pacifier after your baby has recovered from an illness such as a cold or flu.
  • Carefully inspect the pacifier for holes or any damage. Replace the pacifier at the earliest sign of wear.
  • Keep the pacifiers in a clean box to keep it out of the sight of baby to avoid excessive usage of pacifiers.


A few common sense steps should be taken to enhance the benefits and reduce the risks of the use of pacifiers: 

  • First, talk to your Pediatric Dentist or Paediatrician about the safe use of pacifiers. 
  • Withhold the use of pacifiers until breastfeeding is established. After that, limit their use for soothing breastfed infants. 
  • Exercise judgment and restraint for pacifier use. Avoid on-demand use throughout the day. 
  • Clean pacifiers routinely and avoid sharing between siblings. Do not lick pacifiers to clean them. Always have several pacifiers to rotate through cycles of cleaning and use during the day. 
  • Pacifier use is curtailed beginning at 2 years of age and pacifier habits be discontinued by or before age 4 to minimize the development of malocclusion.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Pediatric Dentistry

What is Topical Fluoride Treatment in Children?

A child’s overall dental health is directly proportional to healthy teeth and gums. Hence it is recommended that all necessary measures have to be taken to prevent tooth decay. Brushing teeth twice a day or flossing teeth is always recommended for every child. Yet there is one more preventive measure that every pediatric dentist recommends which is Topical Fluoride treatment for children.

Fluoride has been and continues to be an important element to prevent the formation of dental cavities and at the same time keep teeth strong and healthy. It is known to fight harmful bacteria and maintain a clean mouth. This fluoride is applied topically in the mouth making teeth cavity resistant

What is topical fluoride treatment?

Topical fluoride treatment is a preventive measure that consists of the use of fluoride agents which are applied to teeth thus reducing the bacterial load and fighting against decay. This topical fluoride can be applied in two major forms

  1. Self-applied Topical Fluoride
  2. Professionally applied Topical Fluoride
  3. Self-applied Topical Fluoride:

Dentists always recommend starting caring for a child’s teeth right from the time when teeth are seen in the mouth. This can be done by using topical fluoride from agents like:


Select a toothpaste that has fluoride content and use a rice grain amount of toothpaste for children below 3 years while those who are more than 3 years of age use pea size amount of toothpaste. Encourage children to brush twice a day using a circular motion of brushing.

Mouth rinses:

If your child is above 6 years of age and can rinse and spit, mouth rinses can be given in such a scenario if children are susceptible to decay. Develop a habit of rinsing your mouth with a fluoride-containing mouthwash

Professionally applied Topical Fluoride:

Professionally applied fluoride therapy is an easy process to go for. Dentists have used topical fluoride for a long time to protect the oral health of children and adults, especially for children at greater risk of cavitation. There are several factors that increase the risk of decay in children:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Eating disorders
  • Lack of regular professional dental care
  • Active orthodontic treatment
  • Poor diet
  • Dry mouth

All these factors are directly proportional to the increasing decay rate in children. This can be easily prevented using professionally applied topical fluoride therapy. It is a painless and minimum time-taking procedure. The gels are completely safe to be used and give you the desired result if all oral hygiene measures are followed thoroughly.

There are few fluoride products that are concentrated and need not be applied frequently. Such agents are only applied by a dental professional. A few professionally applied fluoride products include:

Mouth rinses, Gels, or Foams:

Children who are at high risk for dental cavities require multiple treatments and are generally recommended for agents like Fluoride foam or fluoride gel application.  These gels are loaded in trays and placed in children’s mouths for a minute. Children are asked to bite so that the gel reaches all corners of their teeth. This fluoride forms a protective layer over teeth and hence provides protection.

The only disadvantage of using gels or foams is that children might not like the consistency and have a tendency to gag. These gels are available in various flavors to make them comfortable for kids.

Varnish application:

Fluoride varnish is a concentrated form of topical fluoride which is applied to teeth by a dental professional. It is highly effective in reducing the decay load. This is an easier technique compared to the gel application. Varnish comes in form of a viscous paste that is applied to teeth using a brush. It is like painting the teeth with varnish. It doesn’t cause any gag and is available in multiple flavors which give children an option to choose.

Once applied children are recommended not to eat anything or drink for some time so that fluoride can form a protective layer on teeth by its reaction with teeth. This application process is recommended to be done every 6 months to protect the teeth from decay.

When should kids get Topical fluoride treatment?

Generally, fluoride application is recommended twice a year, unless your kid has a high decay rate it might be recommended every 3 months too. At the child’s first dental visit, which should be by age of one, we will discuss your child’s fluoride intake and determine when it will be beneficial to begin fluoride treatment. Although fluoride is most crucial while teeth are developing, it is also effective in adults. That is why many people opt to go for fluoride treatment throughout life.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Cosmetic Dentistry

Full mouth rehabilitation – A Staged Approach for your Dental needs

Full mouth reconstruction or Full mouth rehabilitation (FMR) as very commonly addressed and known is the process of rebuilding or simultaneously restoring all of the teeth in the upper and lower jaw. FMR means not just treating the complaint but overall treating it in a holistic approach.

What is full mouth rehabilitation?

FMR refers to a series of procedures that aim to restore the functionality of all teeth and gums.

It typically involves general treatments like fillings, caps, and bridge veneers and also incorporates specialists for gum surgeries, braces specialists, or root canal specialists.

Based on a discussion with all specialists and noting down all dental health-related issues a treatment plan is provided for the patient.

The need for full mouth rehabilitation arises due to:

  • Teeth have been lost due to decay or trauma
  • Teeth have been fractured
  • Severely worn-out teeth due to acid erosion
  • Jaw muscle pain or headache due to the same

Goals of Full mouth rehabilitations

Since it’s not just one treatment for every patient, FMR has different goals to achieve for harmonious treatment like

  • Treat gum diseases
  • Repair damaged teeth and restore their functionality
  • Replace missing teeth
  • Create a perfect smile and improve aesthetics
  • Reduce bad odor from oral diseases
  • Stop any tooth pain and illness

How the Process Begins

If you feel you are facing multiple teeth problem which is hampering your daily life, see your dentist for a comprehensive treatment plan. Your dentist will examine your mouth to determine the extent of the problems and give you a customized treatment plan with varied options to select the best one. In particular, the dentist will examine for

Teeth:  The condition of teeth will determine what will you need like just fillings or a few root canals with caps, bridges for missing teeth, implants, or veneers as aesthetic treatment. In short, your dentist will note for several cavities, tooth cracks or fractures, and tooth wear

Gum tissue: If gums are not in a good state, you might need deep cleaning or also might require gum surgeries as gums are the main source of foundation to hold the teeth. So here dentist will check for bleeding from the gums, tooth mobility, or bad odor with inflamed gum tissue.

Aesthetics: The color, shape size, and proportion of teeth will be checked. Also, how teeth appear with gum, lips, mouth, and your side profile face, all will be checked.

Temporomandibular joint, jaw muscles: A stable bite is what is mandatory for every patient as it helps in eating, biting, and avoiding any headaches or malfunction of teeth. Any bite irregularities if present need to be taken into consideration when a treatment plan is decided.

For all this examination dentist will make use of x-rays, photographs, and models of your teeth and make an impression of your teeth to check for bites. Also, your dentist might call for a specialist like an orthodontist, oral surgeon, or prosthodontist for a consultation to make the best treatment plan for you

What Procedures Are Needed?

Most FMR cases involve multiple phases and dental visits. The treatment duration can also be long which will be done in a specific duration giving time for gum tissues to heal.

The following treatments may be done in an FMR case.

  • Fillings for Dental cavities to restore teeth function
  • Prophylactic Teeth cleaning with deep cleaning
  • Preparation of natural tooth structure for caps, bridges, or veneers
  • Crown lengthening to expose healthy, sound tooth structure for crown placement
  • Contouring of gum to make it aesthetic and create harmony in the smile
  • Orthognathic surgeries for repositioning jaws
  • Braces treatment for problems like teeth crowding or spaces that might be hampering your bite
  • Placement of temporary prosthesis so you get used to new teeth and bite 
  • Placement of implant to replace missing teeth
  • Bone grafting to enhance teeth stability and give natural teeth appearance

Full Mouth Rehabilitation vs. Smile Makeover

A smile makeover is something that you opt to get while FMR is something that you need.

As these days many patients desire beautiful natural-looking teeth as primary criteria, and it is becoming hard to draw a line between elective and necessary Dentistry. 

For example, it is now possible for the dentist to treat any cavities with an aesthetic filling and if you need rehabilitation, today’s materials available make it possible to provide sound treatment with aesthetics

The point to be noted is that for both kinds of treatment clinically proven dental materials and techniques, as well as skills training, is important on part of the dentist as both kinds of treatments require somewhat similar knowledge 

Cost of FMR cases

As already known FMR cases do need a lengthy treatment which might go up to a year or so, so the cost of such treatment usually is between Rs 1 to 4 lakhs depending on each case as every patient’s case is unique and a tailored made plan is required

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Cosmetic Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry

Does thumb sucking and pacifier affect my child’s teeth?

Thumb sucking, finger sucking or pacifier use is one of the most common infant’s natural reflexes. They begin to suck on their thumb or other fingers while they are in the womb! Infants and young children have a tendency to continue the habit from within the womb and may suck on pacifier and other objects.

The habit provides some children with a sense of security during difficult periods, such as when they are separated from their parents, surrounded by strangers or in an unfamiliar environment. Young children may also thumb-suck to help fall asleep or to soothe themselves.

What is the inherent difference between thumb sucking versus pacifier use?

It is observed that allowing thumb-sucking or soothing with a pacifier could mean fewer sleepless nights for already exhausted parents. Once your toddler reaches age of two or four years, but still continues the use of pacifier or the habit of thumb sucking, then it can prove to be harmful for their teeth. Thumb sucking may be a harder habit to break than pacifier use as it is always available. The advantage of using a pacifier includes being able to take it away when it is no longer appropriate. It’s a concern with children using it throughout the day. They can cause dental imperfection, increased ear infections and sometimes interfere with speech development, depending on use.

What is Pacifier Teeth? What are the effects of Pacifier Teeth?

The term coined ‘pacifier teeth’ specifically refers to the damage brought about by a pacifier. If your growing baby continues using pacifier or sucking thumb:

  • Teeth might end up growing-in crooked
  • Position of the teeth might change
  • Jaw might not be properly aligned
  • There might be bite problems
  • Upper teeth might protrude forward

So what should I do to Break the habit

Thumbsucking or pacifier use can be harmful to your child. It is better to restrain your child from cultivating the habit, as it can often prove difficult to weaning your child from the use of pacifier. Here are some ways in which you can break the habit of thumbsucking or stop the use of pacifier:

  • Instead of chiding your child for thumb sucking, offer praise or a treat for not doing so
  • It is often observed that children suck their fingers when feeling insecure. Focus on correcting the cause of the anxiety and comfort the child.
  • Keep their hands and mind occupied with activities like arts and crafts or place a toy to play with. Sometimes they thumb-suck because they’re bored.
  • For an older child, your dentist can offer encouragement to your child and explain what could happen to their teeth if they do not stop sucking.

Children usually stop sucking between the ages of two and four years old, or by the time the permanent front teeth are ready to erupt. If you notice abnormal changes in your child’s primary teeth, or are concerned about your child’s thumb sucking habit consult your dentist.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

General and Preventive Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry

Did you know this about your child’s milk teeth?

The most common myth about baby teeth is that, they need not be treated as they will fall off and will be replaced by permanent teeth! But the fact is that baby teeth are equally important as permanent teeth and require appropriate oral care. Let’s look at some of the primary reasons why your baby’s teeth should be tended to, and what is the Importance of Baby/Primary/Milk Teeth.

  1. Mastication (Chewing)

Function of baby teeth is to help in chewing food and to function till the eruption of permanent teeth. If proper oral hygiene is not maintained, allowing milk tooth to decay leads to pain, discomfort and abscess. Because of this children can resist eating, affecting their overall growth

  1. Smile and psychology

Children upwards of age 4years, are also esthetically concerned when it comes to the appearance of teeth. Thus any discoloration of teeth is likely affect them psychologically. Milk teeth are important to maintain child’s psycho-social well-being as well. Healthy baby teeth are an immense boost to a child’s self-confidence and self-esteem.

  1. Facial Development

Milk teeth are an important factor affecting normal growth of jaw bone and helps in molding shape to face. They help in appropriate development of adjacent structures thus allowing enough space for the permanent teeth to erupt. Either loss or extra primary tooth affect the occlusion of future permanent teeth indirectly affecting the facial profile of an individual.

  1. Prevention of abnormal growth

Milk teeth are space saver holding spaces! Lets look at another important issue which is the prevention of abnormal growth of teeth and how to maintain natural space for permanent teeth. When permanent teeth are developed enough, they can erupt into the oral cavity, where the milk teeth were holding space for permanent teeth. This prevents malocclusion. Premature removal of primary teeth because of decay or ill-maintained space may cause permanent teeth to erupt in improper positions. This results in crooked teeth, chewing difficulties, facial asymmetries, TMJ problems, and last and most important, decaying of teeth.

  1. Speech

Milk teeth help in the development of speech, especially front teeth. Certain sounds are produced when tongue contacts the upper front teeth and certain sounds are produced when tip of upper front teeth comes in contact with lower. In absence of front teeth children find difficult to pronounce sounds like “th” and “f”. Without healthy, properly-aligned teeth, the child may face problems of articulating words and clarity in speech.

  1. Prevention of fear of Dentist

As long as milk teeth are healthy no painful treatment is required to save tooth from decay. Once the tooth becomes badly infected, it leaves the dentist with only extraction or pulpectomy as an option which has to be done under local anesthesia. At this stage child will be more anxious due to painful and long procedures.

So, visit the dentist as soon as the first tooth comes in the oral cavity and build the habit of visiting the dentist once in every 6 months right from childhood.

It would doubtlessly help in avoiding and reducing not only dental problems but general growth-related problems as well. Healthy milk teeth can also lower the financial burden for parents in future for complicated procedures.

Our dentists are dedicated to providing exceptional oral healthcare so that the little ones’ dental appointments will be non-traumatic and stress-free. Our Pedodontists make sure the child is comforted and ready for treatment by communicating in a kind and compassionate manner.

Call us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment with our Pediatric dentistry Specialist.

General and Preventive Dentistry Gum Care

Gum Disease link to COVID-19 Complications

Periodontal disease,

commonly known as gum disease, can cause bleeding gums, bad breath, and if left untreated lead to tooth loss. A study by the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP)*, a leading organization of periodontists, or gum disease experts, found that gum inflammation is not just a symptom of gum disease, but also of COVID-19. This inflammation also known as Systemic inflammation is linked to many other respiratory diseases.The study found that individuals who suffered from gum disease and contracted the corona virus were 3.5 times more likely to be admitted to intensive care, and almost 9 times more likely to die as compared to those without gum disease.

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums in an effort to avoid developing or worsening periodontal disease is absolutely crucial in the midst of a global pandemic like COVID-19. Gum diseases is one of the most common chronic diseases across the globe. Roughly about 90% of adults have some or the other form of gum disease. With appropriate care and frequent dental checks, gum disease can be easily prevented or managed at an earlier stage.

Some of the first signs of gum disease is spotting of blood on the toothbrush or when spitting while brushing. If left untreated, this could also lead to bleeding while eating, which is bound to leave a bad after taste within the mouth. Another common sign of gum disease is bad breath, which could easily be mistaken for other dental issues.

With the COVID-19 outbreak, it has become increasing difficult for individuals to even obtain basic health care procedures. Of these, dental issues are not prioritized among majority of the population. With the mobility of general public limited, due to the concern of spread of COVID, visits to the dentist could also be limited.

Some precautions that one can take to prevent gum disease are:

  • Brush twice a day carefully with a fluoride toothpaste, with a manual or electric toothbrush
  • Clean between the teeth after meals using an interdental brush
  • Floss between the teeth if the gap between the is too tight
  • Use mouth rinse if needed, on top of cleaning to reduce inflammation
  • Refrain from smoking, maintain a healthy diet and remain stress free
  • Diabetics, should ensure control of blood sugar

If you predict that you have gum disease or would like to get a preventive dental checkup, schedule an appointment with our dentist at Credence Dental. We at Credence follow all protocols of COVID-19 to ensure the best health and hygiene for our patients and doctors. Call us if you would like to know more about the precautions we undertake to prevent the spread of COVID.

Call or Whatsapp us today at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment

*Source :

Wisdom Tooth Management & Oral Surgery

What is the aftercare for a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Having learnt about Wisdom Tooth or teeth and the basic Wisdom teeth Management, let’s have a detailed understanding about the care after the tooth extraction.

Wisdom teeth emerge behind the molars in the back of the mouth. As they emerge, most of the Wisdom teeth are always misaligned, crooked, and sideways. They will push on other teeth as they grow in, causing overcrowding and misalignment issues for those teeth as well.

When do wisdom teeth appear?

Wisdom teeth normally emerge between the ages of 17 and 21.

What are the Symptoms if I should have a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

When an individual moves towards the latter years of teenage, he or she should look out for apparent signs of wisdom tooth growth. Some of the symptoms are

  1. A mild discomfort is experienced, which can gradually increase over time as the wisdom teeth continue to grow misaligned or sideways, pushing gums and crowding of adjacent teeth
  2. When an impacted wisdom tooth becomes infected, it damages other teeth or causes other dental issues, you can see any of the following signs and symptoms:
  • Foul breath
  • A poor taste when chewing food
  • Redness, and swelling
  • Opening your mouth is a difficult task
  • Fever and headaches
  1. When wisdom teeth erupt through the gums’ surface, bacteria may enter through the open tissue and cause infection

These are some indicative issues of wisdom tooth growth and could vary for different individuals. If the problem continues, you should seek dental help. A dentist or an oral surgeon will prescribe antibiotics and may clean the teeth, but if the pain continues teeth may need to be removed.

What to Expect During the Surgery?

Depending on the difficulty of the wisdom tooth extraction and your comfort level, your dentist or oral surgeon can use one of three types of anesthesia.

The following are some possibilities:

  • Local anesthesia is injected near the molar by your dentist or oral surgeon. Your dentist or surgeon would most likely apply a numbing gel to your gums before giving the injection. During the tooth extraction, you are conscious. While there will be some pressure and movement, but there should be no discomfort.
  • Conscious sedation is administered with an aim to produce a degree of sedation without loss of consciousness, in order to perform a desired function without any hindrance. This technique is being widely followed by oral surgeon and paediatric dentists, who utilize the method on uncooperative and anxious patients during any treatment. Local anesthesia is still injected to perform painless treatment.
  • General anesthesia can be given to you in special cases. You can have an IV line in your arm and then you lose your consciousness. Your oral surgeon will closely track your breathing, temperature, fluids, and blood pressure. You’re not going to feel any pain.

Dentist’s instructions after the procedure / After-care for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The recovery time after removal of the wisdom teeth may take several days, and you might feel pain for a week or more. The gauze pad is applied to the affected area by the dentist. Keep the gauze on for 45 minutes or until the pad is fully saturated with blood.

You will be advised by your dentist to avoid brushing, spitting for 24 hours, to avoid infection rinse your mouth daily with saltwater. While your teeth recover, Solid foods, alcohol, caffeine, soda, or hot beverages should be avoided for the first few days after wisdom teeth removal. Use ice packs, eat soft foods, and gargle with salt water to keep your mouth clean.

Call your oral surgeon right away if you experience any odd signs, such as:

  • Lot of bleeding
  • Fever
  • Swallowing or breathing problems
  • Pressure that is not relieved by prescription medications
  • A poor taste in your mouth that won’t go away even after rinsing with saltwater
  • pus discharge
  • Numbness
  • Swelling that gets worse after a couple of days

Read our general instructions for our patients who have undergone a wisdom tooth extraction here.

The extraction or management of wisdom tooth is not necessarily a painful procedure if it is tended to at an early stage. Therefore it is important to visit the dentist regularly for preventive check-ups. Our dentists at Credence, are a team of well-experienced Doctors and would ensure utmost care for your dental needs. To Know more about wisdom tooth treatment, visit our dentist’s team at Credence Dental to discuss treatment plan and safety.

Call us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment with our Wisdom Tooth Specialist.

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