Wisdom Tooth Management & Oral Surgery

What is the aftercare for a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Having learnt about Wisdom Tooth or teeth and the basic Wisdom teeth Management, let’s have a detailed understanding about the care after the tooth extraction.

Wisdom teeth emerge behind the molars in the back of the mouth. As they emerge, most of the Wisdom teeth are always misaligned, crooked, and sideways. They will push on other teeth as they grow in, causing overcrowding and misalignment issues for those teeth as well.

When do wisdom teeth appear?

Wisdom teeth normally emerge between the ages of 17 and 21.

What are the Symptoms if I should have a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

When an individual moves towards the latter years of teenage, he or she should look out for apparent signs of wisdom tooth growth. Some of the symptoms are

  1. A mild discomfort is experienced, which can gradually increase over time as the wisdom teeth continue to grow misaligned or sideways, pushing gums and crowding of adjacent teeth
  2. When an impacted wisdom tooth becomes infected, it damages other teeth or causes other dental issues, you can see any of the following signs and symptoms:
  • Foul breath
  • A poor taste when chewing food
  • Redness, and swelling
  • Opening your mouth is a difficult task
  • Fever and headaches
  1. When wisdom teeth erupt through the gums’ surface, bacteria may enter through the open tissue and cause infection

These are some indicative issues of wisdom tooth growth and could vary for different individuals. If the problem continues, you should seek dental help. A dentist or an oral surgeon will prescribe antibiotics and may clean the teeth, but if the pain continues teeth may need to be removed.

What to Expect During the Surgery?

Depending on the difficulty of the wisdom tooth extraction and your comfort level, your dentist or oral surgeon can use one of three types of anesthesia.

The following are some possibilities:

  • Local anesthesia is injected near the molar by your dentist or oral surgeon. Your dentist or surgeon would most likely apply a numbing gel to your gums before giving the injection. During the tooth extraction, you are conscious. While there will be some pressure and movement, but there should be no discomfort.
  • Conscious sedation is administered with an aim to produce a degree of sedation without loss of consciousness, in order to perform a desired function without any hindrance. This technique is being widely followed by oral surgeon and paediatric dentists, who utilize the method on uncooperative and anxious patients during any treatment. Local anesthesia is still injected to perform painless treatment.
  • General anesthesia can be given to you in special cases. You can have an IV line in your arm and then you lose your consciousness. Your oral surgeon will closely track your breathing, temperature, fluids, and blood pressure. You’re not going to feel any pain.

Dentist’s instructions after the procedure / After-care for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The recovery time after removal of the wisdom teeth may take several days, and you might feel pain for a week or more. The gauze pad is applied to the affected area by the dentist. Keep the gauze on for 45 minutes or until the pad is fully saturated with blood.

You will be advised by your dentist to avoid brushing, spitting for 24 hours, to avoid infection rinse your mouth daily with saltwater. While your teeth recover, Solid foods, alcohol, caffeine, soda, or hot beverages should be avoided for the first few days after wisdom teeth removal. Use ice packs, eat soft foods, and gargle with salt water to keep your mouth clean.

Call your oral surgeon right away if you experience any odd signs, such as:

  • Lot of bleeding
  • Fever
  • Swallowing or breathing problems
  • Pressure that is not relieved by prescription medications
  • A poor taste in your mouth that won’t go away even after rinsing with saltwater
  • pus discharge
  • Numbness
  • Swelling that gets worse after a couple of days

Read our general instructions for our patients who have undergone a wisdom tooth extraction here.

The extraction or management of wisdom tooth is not necessarily a painful procedure if it is tended to at an early stage. Therefore it is important to visit the dentist regularly for preventive check-ups. Our dentists at Credence, are a team of well-experienced Doctors and would ensure utmost care for your dental needs. To Know more about wisdom tooth treatment, visit our dentist’s team at Credence Dental to discuss treatment plan and safety.

Call us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment with our Wisdom Tooth Specialist.

Wisdom Tooth Management & Oral Surgery

Get wiser about your wisdom teeth

With age comes Wisdom! Well, specifically Wisdom tooth.

Your recent visit to the dentist about your Wisdom tooth might have triggered your search on Wisdom Teeth. To start with, the nomenclature ‘Wisdom Teeth’ can throw you off track and is a common misnomer that these teeth are related to wisdom. Well, historically, these teeth have been called wisdom teeth because they come through at a more mature age. We’ve curated information that can make help you make a wise decision about retaining or losing your Wisdom Teeth.

So, What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth or third molar teeth are the last set of molars to erupt/appear in the mouth. Generally, wisdom teeth erupt in the mouth during 17 to 21 years of age, considered as one major dental milestone and may also mark the completion of the jaw and facial bone growth. Normally four wisdom teeth appear in each corner of the jaws. However, approximately 35 percent of people may not experience the presence of impacted wisdom teeth in their lifetime as they are buried in the jaw bone or missing due to the process of evolution.

What is the evolutionary benefit of wisdom teeth?

Anthropologists believe humans have evolved beyond the necessity of wisdom teeth, so some people may never experience wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth may evolve in the way of the appendix and become vestigial.

Wisdom teeth are important for a human diet that consists of roots, leaves, and nuts, but they are no longer completely necessary. This is because modern-day humans cut, crush, and cook food to soften it. Since the utilization or the use of teeth and jaw has reduced with more refined or softer food, it is believed that our jaws have evolved to become smaller than our ancestors. Smaller jaws mean there isn’t always enough space in the mouth for all the teeth we’re supposed to have. So, wisdom teeth may be either missing or buried/impacted in the jaw bone. So, wisdom teeth are considered a vestigial organ (body part that no longer serves a significant purpose).

You might be wondering now that its just better to leave the tooth, if its of no use also, just like the ‘appendix’ attached to the large intestine. Here we come to our next question –

Do we need to remove wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are not be removed or extracted if they are healthy, completely erupted to occlude (bite) with the opposing tooth without disturbing the alignment, and able to clean with routine oral hygiene practices. However, most wisdom teeth don’t erupt completely (impacted) to occlude with opposing teeth, also known to disturb the alignment of teeth and difficult to maintain mouth hygiene. This leads to constant inflammation of the surrounding teeth, food lodgement, and cavities in both wisdom teeth and adjacent teeth necessitating wisdom tooth extraction.

What happens if you don’t remove wisdom teeth?

Erupting wisdom teeth can grow at various angles in the jaw, causing many problems like pain, repeated infection of surrounding soft tissue, Fluid-filled cavities (cysts), damage to adjacent tooth and cavities in adjacent teeth. Stiffness of jaw joints and limited mouth opening with persistent headaches and pain around the ear are common symptoms of erupting mandibular wisdom teeth.

What are the reasons for wisdom teeth removal?

Most jaw growth is completed by the time an individual attains 18 years, but most wisdom teeth emerge when an individual is around an average age of 19-20 years leading to the deficiency of space to accommodate the third molar tooth. Sometimes dentists will recommend wisdom tooth extraction before any orthodontic work, like braces and aligners to ensure that these teeth don’t erupt later and disturb all the hard work of shaping your jaw and teeth.

  • Wisdom teeth that have not erupted properly can make it difficult to brush and floss between the wisdom teeth and the molars next to them
  • Wisdom teeth that are not erupted in the right position can allow food particle to get trapped. This can allow cavity-causing bacteria to grow underneath gum covering the partially erupted wisdom teeth. This may also lead to infection, pain, swelling, and stiffness in your jaw
  • A wisdom tooth that is impacted can form pathologies like cyst, abscess etc, on or near the impacted tooth. This could damage the roots of adjacent teeth or destroy the bone that supporting the adjacent teeth
  • Other reasons for impacted wisdom teeth People who get their wisdom teeth removed at a younger age tend to heal better from surgery before the roots and bone have fully formed. This can help avoid any potential problems in future

When should wisdom teeth be extracted?

Some dentists recommend the extraction of wisdom teeth if they do not fully emerge.

Many dentists believe that removing wisdom teeth at a younger age is beneficial since the roots and have not fully developed and recovery is often faster following surgery. Discuss the position and health of your wisdom teeth with your dentist, as well as what is best for your situation.

If you are deciding on Keeping your Wisdom Teeth, then ensure you monitor the health of your teeth by regular dental checkups, as there is a potential for developing problems later on. In case you are unable to decide about keeping or extracting the wisdom tooth, fix an appointment with our team of doctors and assess the health of your wisdom Tooth or Wisdom Teeth. Online Dental Consultation  with our specialists is now available. We would be happy to answer any questions or discuss any issues you may have.

Call us or Whatsapp us or book an appointment with our Wisdom Tooth specialist.

Wisdom Tooth Management & Oral Surgery

Is it better to pull your tooth or save it? Which is the most effective?

When you are undergoing excruciating pain from a tooth that is diseased or infected, it may seem that the best option is to extract the tooth. But not so quickly! It may be convenient to get that tooth out, but it may not be the greatest option. The majority of people are unaware of the advantages of keeping their natural teeth. The option to extract or save your tooth is ultimately yours, but be sure you have all the facts before making such a significant decision.

Saving Your Tooth vs. Pulling It: What Are the Advantages of Saving Your Tooth?

To understand what exactly the benefits of saving the natural tooth are, we have the following advice from our expert at Credence Dental, whose main focus is on saving the natural tooth

  • Natural teeth are more robust: Natural teeth are stronger, perform better, and are easier to maintain than artificial ones. Despite advances in technology and materials, artificial teeth do not have the same strength as natural teeth
  • Teeth shifting should be avoided: When a tooth is extracted, it leaves a gap, which allows the teeth around it to shift. This movement takes time and might lead to difficulties with chewing and bite alignment in the long run. These issues can lead to a cascade of pain, poor nutrition, and a lower quality of life
  • Continue Looking Young: when natural teeth are pulled, lip and cheeks looses support making people appear older than they actually are.
  • Maintain confidence: When the tooth to be extracted is visible when you smile, the resulting gap can make you feel self-conscious. We see patients who have lost their happy grin because they are self-conscious about their teeth on a regular basis
  • Less discomfort: Most people endure pain for several days after having a tooth extracted, especially if they have a dry socket.
  • There will be fewer dental visits: After removing a tooth, a dentist may recommend an Implant, Bridge, or Denture other dental device to prevent teeth from slipping. This can result in more dental visits, more costs.
  • Costs are reduced: While it may appear like extracting a tooth is less expensive than repairing it, the truth is that tooth replacement takes more time and money. And failing to replace it will almost certainly come at a physical and emotional cost

How to Save a Tooth without Extraction?

There are several compelling reasons to keep your natural teeth as long as possible. However, decay and infection might make this difficult, forcing you to choose whether to extract or keep your tooth. The most common solution is a root canal, which involves cleaning and disinfecting the inside of a tooth to remove inflammatory or diseased internal pulp. After cleaning the inside of the tooth, it is filled with a substance for strength and covered or restored with a crown, allowing it to function normally again.

root canal not only saves your original tooth, but it also relieves discomfort and has a quick recovery time.

When exactly is it Wise to have a Tooth Extraction?

While saving a tooth is usually preferred, there are situations when extraction is the best option. An extraction may be necessary if a tooth is fractured, especially if it is cracked below the gumline or in multiple places. It may also be advisable to have the tooth extracted if it is too weak to be repaired.

If your dentist recommends an extraction, see if a root canal is an option. It’s critical to have this conversation with your dentist in order to answer the question: should you pull your tooth or save it? Do you need a second opinion or to see a dentist regarding a bothersome tooth?

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

General and Preventive Dentistry Gum Care Wisdom Tooth Management & Oral Surgery

Wisdom Tooth Management

Wisdom teeth are basically your last tooth or third molar located at the back of your mouth. These teeth can credit to the mouth when healthy and properly aligned, but more often, they are malaligned and don’t have room to grow properly and end up creating problems for your other teeth and require removal

Age of wisdom teeth eruption

They usually erupt into the mouth between 17 and 25 years of age. They can, however, erupt many years later.

Symptoms of wisdom teeth growing In

  1. Pain or bleeding gums.
  2. Red or swollen gums.
  3. Jaw pain or swelling.
  4. Bad breath or an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  5. Difficulty opening the mouth
  6. Pain in-front of ears

Reasons for wisdom tooth extraction

Since wisdom teeth are the last tooth to enter your mouth, most often they grow at various angles, sometimes horizontally/Obliquely. So there will be no room for the wisdom tooth to come up, as the other adult teeth have already developed.

  • Pericoronitis: It is an inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the partially erupted tooth. Pericoronitis usually affects the wisdom tooth, where gum tissue covering the partially erupted teeth is infected by the food entrapment.
  • They’re impacted. Because they are so far back in your mouth, they cannot come into the mouth normally. They can be trapped in your jawbone or gums and sometimes they impinge on the nerve below them causing pain. A wisdom tooth that doesn’t erupt can lead to the development of a cyst which can damage bone and gum tissue or even if they erupt, they can cause pressure on the tooth in front of them resulting in crowding of a front tooth. 
  • They come in at the wrong angle. Reduced space may cause wisdom teeth to come through at an angle.They may press against your other teeth causing root resorption of the adjacent tooth leading to pain. 
  • High risk of decay – Wisdom teeth is difficult to reach from brush to clean. Thus harbour bacteria to grow resulting in decay (involving wisdom tooth and sometimes adjacent tooth)
  • Can complicate with orthodontic treatments to straighten other teeth.

The right time for extraction

The sensation of a tooth pushing through the gums can be painful. When there is space for the wisdom tooth to arrive, the pain will reside on its own after the complete eruption of the tooth. But if the pain persists or swelling, pus discharge is noticed contact your dentist.


If a wisdom tooth is cavitated and completely erupted into your mouth, it can be grasped by extraction forceps, the tooth can be removed in a conservative approach. But if the tooth is impacted that is causing pain or other dental problems are usually surgically removed. 

Extraction is almost always done as an outpatient procedure, so you will go home the same day. The process includes:

  • Sedation or anaesthesia. You may have local anaesthesia, which numbs your mouth on the operating side only. Sedation anaesthesia doesn’t make you unconscious, it is given to relieve pain during the procedure. 
  • Tooth removal. During an extraction, your dentist or oral surgeon makes an incision/cut in your gums and removes any bone that blocks access to the impacted tooth root. After removing the tooth, the dentist or oral surgeon typically closes the wound with stitches and packs the empty space (socket) with gauze.

Procedure impact

Since local anaesthesia is given during the procedure, you will not feel the pain while extracting the tooth. You are advised to have prescribed antibiotics and painkillers given by the dentist to be taken after the extraction before the power of anaesthesia wears off. 

After tooth extraction

It is normal that wisdom tooth extractions may cause some pain and bleed even swelling of the site or jaw. Temporarily, some people have trouble opening their mouth wide due to swelling of the jaw muscles. You will be advised to follow instructions namely taking pain medication and using cold compresses to reduce swelling to care for wounds and managing pain and swelling.

Non-extraction teeth impacts

Wisdom teeth can be retained as long as teeth asymptomatic (pain-free). But as and when the pain persists for a longer duration or cavity has begun, always better to get the tooth removed. 

Care for a wisdom tooth that has already there in the mouth

It is crucial to maintain oral hygiene area near the wisdom tooth as it is difficult to reach from the toothbrush. Brush your teeth daily and make sure your brush reaching the last tooth. Visit your dentist once in six months to make sure all your teeth are healthy.

Call us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment.

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