Pediatric Dentistry

A happy and smiling child is worth more than all the money in the world!

All parents would definitely agree with the above statement. As parents, we know that the health of our little ones is extremely precarious, and utmost attention is required. It is a less known fact that tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease. It is imperative that parents inculcate good practices from childhood to ensure optimum dental hygiene, which would continue into teenage and spill over into adulthood.

Let’s start with what exactly is Pediatric Dentistry?

Pediatric Dentistry, also known as Pedodontics, is the branch of dentistry that is concerned with preventive and therapeutic oral health in children of all ages, from toddlers to teens.

Pediatric Dentists or Pedodontists are the specialty oral care providers who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of dental problems for infants and children through adolescence. They have the qualifications and experience to care for a child’s teeth, mouth, and gums throughout the various stages of childhood.

Taking your child for routine dental check-ups from a very early age will pave the way for sustained, healthy dental habits lifelong. It places a very strong emphasis on the fact that their oral health is a top priority and that is how a child will learn to prioritize their dental health and start caring about it.

What are baby teeth and why is it important to save Baby Teeth?

Baby teeth which are also known as deciduous teeth/milk teeth/primary teeth play a big role in a child’s dental health. Children get their first baby teeth during the first 6-8 months of life and they start losing their milk tooth when they turn 6 to 7 years, which eventually are replaced by secondary, permanent teeth.

Milk teeth should be maintained well despite the fact that it will fall off eventually to be replaced by a permanent set of teeth. If they fall out prematurely, the eruption and the development of the permanent teeth will be hindered as the baby teeth serve as natural place-holders for the baby’s secondary teeth.

Importance of Baby Teeth

Having known what is pediatric dentistry and baby teeth, let’s read on to know why it is essential to have a dental checkup for your child?

It’s vital to take your children for a regular dental checkup, beginning at a young age because neglecting those important baby teeth can cause trouble which could very well be for a lifetime.

Without proper dental care, there are possibilities that a child might face tooth problems such as tooth decay, early tooth loss, and common dental problems such as tongue thrusting, lip sucking, and also gum diseases. It is definitely alarming to know that as per extensive surveys and reports, nearly 25% of children between the ages of 2 to 5 years, already have teeth cavities.

Taking your child for routine dental check-ups from a very early age will pave the way for sustained, healthy dental habits lifelong. It places a very strong emphasis on the fact that their oral health is a top priority and that is how a child will learn to prioritize their dental health and start caring about it.

As parents, you always want to do what is best for your children and your children’s dental health is no exception.

We know how exhaustive it is for a parent to prepare your child for dental procedures. It is not going to be easy as children are not very cooperative always. In fact, dental exams can be an intimidating and painful experience for a child which they would like to avoid and this can be quite overwhelming for parents as well.

We at Credence Dental are well experienced to pamper and treat our young patients to have a pleasant experience and leave with a smile to eat all the chocolates and sweets they enjoy eating.

We believe that a healthy smile begins with a child!

Call us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment with our Pediatric dentistry Specialist

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