General and Preventive Dentistry

Mucormycosis or Black Fungus: Easy Oral Practices to prevent Fungal Infection

COVID-19 outbreak has left the entire world in a disarray, and specially now, when India is combating the second wave. As time has lapsed since the first outbreak of COVID, there have been many versions of symptoms as the SARS-CoV-2 virus has mutated and evolved. One such lethal complication being observed in patients in India in recent times, who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are gradually recovering, is a fungal disease called Mucormycosis or black fungus. With increasing number of cases across India, it has triggered panic among the public.

According to research and data, the Mucormycosis has a common occurrence amongst a certain category of COVID infected patients, such as patients who were prescribed steroids for prolonged periods, those who were hospitalized for extended timelines, patients who were on external oxygen support or ventilators or who have been on medication for illnesses such as diabetes.*

The black fungus can turn fatal, if not diagnosed and treated at the right time.~

Doctors believe mucormycosis, which has an overall mortality rate of 50%, may be being triggered by the use of steroids, a life-saving treatment for severe and critically ill Covid-19 patients. Steroids reduce inflammation in the lungs for Covid-19 and appear to help stop some of the damage which occurs when the body’s immune system goes into overdrive to fight off coronavirus. But they also reduce immunity and push up blood sugar levels in both diabetics and non-diabetic Covid-19 patients. It’s thought that this drop in immunity could be triggering these cases of mucormycosis.

Let’s understand the causes and symptoms of Mucormycosis

Causes and Symptoms of Mucormycosis

According to Ministry of Health (MoH)**, people who are recovering from COVID-19 or recovered from COVID-19, are more likely to be affected by the infection. Symptoms of some fungal diseases can be similar to those of COVID-19, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Laboratory testing is necessary to determine if a person has a fungal infection or COVID-19. Some patients can have COVID-19 and a fungal infection at the same time. People with severe COVID-19, such as those in an intensive care unit (ICU), are particularly vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections. Those patients who are under Oxygen therapy in the ICU, are exposed to moisture because of the use of a humidifier. Thus most hospitals use sterile water when the patient undergoes Oxygen Therapy.

These fungal co-infections are reported with increasing frequency and can be associated with severe illness and death. Awareness of the possibility of fungal co-infection is essential to reduce delays in diagnosis and treatment in order to help prevent severe illness and death from these infections. The easily recognizable symptom of the black fungus includes discoloration of the oral tissues, tongue, gums, stuffy nose, swelling of face, heaviness below the eyes, discomfort, fever and headache.

If you’ve recently recovered or recovering from COVID-19 or are caring for a COVID patient on the path to recovery, follow these simple oral practices followed to reduce the chances of contracting the Black Fungus:

  1. Maintain Pristine Oral Hygiene

While being treated for Coronavirus infection, the entire respiratory system, starting from the mouth houses millions of bacteria and fungus. Added to this steroids and medication are enablers for bacteria and fungus to thrive. This could cause problems in the sinus cavity, lungs and in severe cases, the brain also. By taking care of your mouth, just by brushing at least twice a day and maintaining this schedule would ensure flushing out, of these bacteria and fungus. Brushing thrice or even after every big meal is good.

  1. Oral Rinsing

We understand that it might not be practically possible to brush every often. A simple work around would be to use a mouth wash to rinse the oral cavity. This would rid your mouth of remnants of large food pieces and in addition oral rinsing would also leave you with a refreshing breath.

  1. Disinfect Tongue Cleaner and Tooth Brush

It’s a good practice to disinfect the tongue cleaner and tooth brush after every use with an antiseptic mouth wash. If you are infected with COVID-19, keep your tooth brush in a different holder from the others. If you’ve recovered from COVID, then discard your old tooth brush and tongue cleaner.

  1. Drink Warm Water Frequently

Warm water is a good medium to clean and rinse the mouth frequently. It would clean the digestive canal and push the bacteria or fungus out of the system.

These are simple oral tips that you can practice while staying at home and reduce the risk of being affected with black fungus or Mucormycosis. In case you have any queries, call your dentist right away.

Our team is available for Online Dental Consultation and we would be happy to answer any questions or discuss any issues you may have.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!





Hoenigl M. Invasive fungal disease complicating COVID-19: when it rains it poursexternal icon. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Sep 5

Lansbury L, Lim B, Baskaran V, Lim WS. Co-infections in people with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysisexternal icon. J Infect. 2020 May 27

Gangneux JP, Bougnoux ME, Dannaoui E, Cornet M, Zahar JR. Invasive fungal diseases during COVID-19: We should be preparedexternal icon. J Mycol Med 2020 Jun

Song G, Liang G, Liu W. Fungal co-infections associated with global COVID-19 pandemic: A clinical and diagnostic perspective from Chinaexternal icon. Mycopathologia. 2020 Jul 31

Koehler P, Cornely OA, Böttiger BW, Dusse F, Eichenauer DA, Fuchs F, et al. COVID‐19 associated pulmonary aspergillosisexternal icon. Mycoses. 2020 May 15

Gum Care

Importance of Oral Health for Heart Health

Oral health is a crucial factor in our overall health and, in particular people who have been diagnosed with heart disease can have some negative impact on oral health. The connection between heart disease and oral health is not entirely established, and more research is needed to establish it. With available scientific evidence, the American Heart Association has concluded that poor oral health has not proved to cause heart attack and on the other hand treating gum disease has not proven to reduce risk of heart attack.

Studies have shown:

  • Gum disease (periodontitis) is associated with an increased risk of developing heart disease
  • Poor dental health increases the risk of a bacterial infection in the blood stream, which can affect the heart valves. Oral health may be particularly important if you have artificial heart valves
  • Tooth loss patterns are connected to coronary artery disease
  • There is a strong connection between diabetes and cardiovascular disease and evidence that people with diabetes benefit from periodontal treatment

How are Gum disease and heart disease related?

Gingivitis (gum disease) is a condition that can begin mildly and develop into a more serious disease. For most people gum diseases go undiagnosed because their gums don’t bleed when they brush.

What do early signs of gum disease include?

  1. Sores and inflammation
  2. Bleeding gums
  3. Bacteria under the gumline
  4. Loss of bone support
  5. Difficulty in chewing food
  6. Halitosis (Bad Breath)
  7. Loss of teeth or infection to the jawbone.

Gum disease can lead to more serious health problems, including heart problems that could even turn deadly. Poor oral health enhances the risk of bacterial infection within the blood stream that can cause infections and create greater health risks and no visible symptoms. It can affect your heart and circulatory system, including heart valves, blood vessels, and the blood itself. As more harmful plaque builds up in your mouth and on your teeth, it can get trapped within these tissues and lead to a number of different heart problems.

How to reduce the risk of gum disease?

To keep your smile in the best condition possible, it’s essential to take oral health into your own hands. Having periodontal disease puts you at high risk for developing heart disease. Treatment like regular dental cleanings prevents damage to teeth, gums, and oral tissues by removing plaque and tartar buildup, which are the main cause of gum disease. It’s also an opportunity for your dentist to evaluate and treat any other dental concerns you might have.

How do you maintain good oral hygiene?

It’s never too late to start improving your healthy habits. Maintaining good oral health is one of the most important things you can do for your heart and one of the easiest. If you’re not taking care of your gums and teeth, you could be putting yourself at risk for serious medical problems. This is because your mouth is connected to the rest of your body through a large blood vessel that directly links back to your heart.

Gum disease and heart disease have several risk factors in common that can be prevented through simple adjustments to your daily routine.

  • To prevent periodontal disease and tooth loss, brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day and floss at least once a day.
  • Eat healthy foods, because they can improve your health. Limit your intake of sugar and starch, since these can have harmful effects on your health
  • Give up smoking so that you can have a healthy smile, as smoking causes gum problems and increases your chance of heart disease and lung cancer
  • Good oral hygiene is essential, so make sure you practice mouthwash once a day
  • Schedule regular appointments with your dentist to make sure that your teeth stay healthy
  • Make an appointment to see your dentist today and when you visit, be sure to let them know if you have bleeding gums as it is the most common symptom of gum disease, and early detection is the key to better treatment options

Make sure you take care of your oral health and can keep your teeth healthy for life, without worrying about a connection between gum disease and heart disease. This will allow you to live a long, and healthy life – free from heart disease and dental problems.

Dentists may not be the first person you think to call about your health, but they should be one of the first places to check. If you develop signs of a more serious condition such as bad breath, mouth sores, or bleeding gums, ask your dentist for help. Though these developments don’t necessarily have anything to do with heart disease, there may be symptoms of more serious problems. If you’re experiencing something out of the ordinary or have any questions or concerns about your teeth, don’t hesitate to contact our Gum Specialist. You can also learn more about Gum care and Periodontics here.

Braces, Aligners and Orthodontics

Straight Teeth with Braces: All the Medical Benefits

Braces have been a popular treatment option for kids and adults who want a more attractive smile. While a beautiful smile is appealing, braces also have medical benefits, some of which may surprise you.

Continue reading to learn more!

Here are some Medical Benefits of Braces

  1. Improved Bite

While one of the purposes of braces is to straighten crooked teeth, they are also used to fix bites that are out of alignment. A ‘bite’ is the dental term for how your upper and lower teeth fit together. When you have gaps in your bite due to missing or misaligned teeth, it can affect your ability to break down food, which is an important element of healthy digestion. A misaligned bite can make it difficult to chew properly or even eat.

A misaligned bite can become painful if left untreated, as your jaw needs to work harder to chew. This can lead to lock jaw, TMJ disease, and jaw pain-related migraines, all of which may necessitate complex dental and medical therapy.

  1. Better Oral Hygiene Practices

It’s more difficult to keep your teeth clean if they’re crowded and crooked. It’s likely that parts of the tooth are hidden behind another tooth, making cleaning and flossing nearly impossible. Bacteria can build up on teeth if they aren’t properly cleaned, leading to gum disease and cavities. Gum diseases can alleviate underlying heart problems and one of the causes for preterm birth. Brushing and flossing should improve naturally as crowded teeth are straightened.

In general, brushing twice a day, using mouthwash, and flossing everyday are all good dental hygiene habits. When you have braces on your teeth, regular dental hygiene is even more crucial to avoid foul breath, gum disease, and tooth stains. Brushing and flossing between and around the brackets and wires is especially important when wearing braces. This can help foster new habits that, when combined with more frequent dental appointments, will result in better habits that will last a lifetime.

  1. Enhanced Jaw Alignment

Some speech impairments might be caused by teeth overcrowding or jaw misalignment. On the bright side, orthodontic treatment can correct both the jaw and palate alignment issues that cause speech difficulties. Before the braces are applied, an expander may be used as part of the orthodontic therapy to widen the palate.

Better breathing, less snoring, and even improved ear and sinus troubles caused by jaw misalignment can all be benefits of expanding your palate. In fact, by bringing your face into right proportions, excellent jaw alignment can change the way you look.

  1. More Confidence

Confidence has been found to lead to greater success in life. People are less likely to take the risks required to pursue a top job or seek for a promotion if they hide their smile out of embarrassment. When a person is no longer self-conscious about their grin, they gain confidence, which is linked to increased happiness, increased productivity, less social anxiety, and improved health.

It is indeed a major misconception that Orthodontic therapy is for beautification and aesthetic reasons alone! Straight teeth have a host of benefits starting with better health and good oral hygiene, which ensure the pink of health over decades. It’s evident that the medical benefits of braces are just as significant, if not more vital, than a nice-looking smile, with increased smile function, better dental hygiene practices, and more confidence.

Make an appointment with our orthodontist now for a personalized diagnostic and treatment plan if you’re thinking about getting that gorgeous smile you’ve always wanted!

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

Pediatric Dentistry

Is Thumb Sucking Harmful For Your Child?

What is Thumb Sucking?

Thumb sucking is the placement of the thumb or finger at various depths into the mouth. This habit is usually not considered abnormal during the first 2 years of life. But if it extends beyond 4 years, then there is some psychological or habitual bearing to it. In both cases, the habit is considered to be harmful for the child.

What causes your child to start thumb sucking?

Babies have natural sucking or rooting reflexes. The mouth is a source of gratification for the infant. An infant associates sucking with pleasurable feelings like hunger, satiety and being held. Hence it is a normal comforting behaviour in young children. It helps self-soothe, feel secure and help them go to sleep. But if this habit persists as the child grows it calls for concern or visit Credence Dental for an expert’s advice.

It can be due to many reasons like inadequate breast-feeding, insecurity of child due to working parents, greater number of siblings, peer pressure, stress, difficulty in social adjustment. It is seen that the younger sibling, the more the frequency of thumb sucking. In the newborn the habit is due to hunger, in the first few weeks of life due to feeding problems, as a tooth during eruption of back teeth and at a later age due to emotional problems.

How will thumb sucking harm the child?

Because of thumb sucking, the child, when he puts his thumb in mouth, along with just placing it inside the mouth he tries to suck on it and applies a tremendous amount of force against his upper teeth. Due to this, his front teeth become flared and get pushed forward, and gaps start forming in between the teeth causing an unesthetic appearance. Also, because of this force, the back teeth get pushed inwards causing problems in bite which causes orthodontic problems at a later stage.

 The effects of thumb sucking mainly depends on three factors – the duration, frequency and intensity with which the habit is performed. A rise in any of these factors is harmful for the teeth. Thumb sucking can also give rise to other oral habits like mouth breathing and tongue Thursting.

When should I intervene?

Before 4 years of age, the child’s level of understanding complicates cooperation with any of the intervention options. Also, the habit does not cause much harmful effects during this age. But try keeping the child busy in doing anything so that he does not engage in the habit. Care should be taken in that enough time is given to breast-feeding to infants to decrease their urge in sucking habits and also bottle fed infants should be held by their mother and enough time should be given to this process.

After 4 years of age, intervention is needed. Use psychological plays and a reward system for the child. Discuss the problem and its effect on the teeth. Keep a daily record of episodes of digit sucking and check on the child’s progress in stopping the habit. A decrease in the number of times the habit is practiced is evidence of progress and indicates that the child will likely discontinue the habit.

Do not get over anxious regarding the habit and punish the child. This can create greater tension and may even intensify the habit. You should disregard the habit and not mention it to the child.

Use positive reinforcement. A timed reward system may also help. For each day the child refrains from the habit for a set period of time, a star is placed on a calendar. In week 1, the child receives some reward or prize predetermined by the parent if the child refrains from thumb sucking for say, 10 minutes. With each day of success during this time period, the child is praised individually and also through positive comments to family friends and relatives.

In successive weeks, increasing the time challenge, the child refrains from sucking.

The prizes are progressively enhanced in value for the child. The goal is to help the child control the urge to suck. If the child continues to successfully control the habit for 3 months, the long-term chances of stopping the habit are good.

When you are at home, try spending ample amount of time with your child, so that he does not have a feeling of insecurity. After 6 years of age, the psychological approach becomes difficult to implement as the habit has become deeply ingrained in the child, as this the child who has tried to stop but cannot get it done. This requires the use of reminder therapy and dental habit-breaking appliances to stop the habit.

Reminder therapy employs the use of some distasteful or bitter tasting agents on the finger, tying of ace-bandage on the elbow, use of long-sleeve night-gown or mittens. There are various intraoral appliances which prevents the child to put his finger entirely into the mouth thereby robbing the pleasure of sucking. 

Click Here to know more about Thumb Sucking 

Visit Credence Dental today or Schedule an Appointment with us today!!!

Our dentist provides the best dental consultation.

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Dentures, Crowns and Bridges

Ceramic Crowns – Everything You Need To Know !

What are E-Max crowns: Everything you need to know about these Ceramic Crowns

Has your dentist ever recommended an E max crown for you? If yes, let’s visit Credence Dental to get to know what these crowns exactly are. E-Max crowns are Dental Crowns made entirely with special ceramic material which is durable as well as aesthetically appealing. These special crowns material is helpful for reinforcing the tooth structure of your teeth and thus protecting it from further damage. The brand is often known as E max or simply max crowns which are used as an add on treatment after a root canal procedure

Advantages of E-Max crowns

E-Max crowns are a type of all-ceramic crown that are favored for its durable, attractive characteristics. Ceramic composed of lithium disilicate is used to make E-Max crowns. It is made from a single block lithium disilicate which makes it a very high strength crown. It is a superior grade substance that is regarded for its toughness, durability, and opaque properties. As the crown is translucent, it is said to be the greatest option for blending in with your natural teeth.

This property makes it a popular choice for restoration in your front teeth. There is no metal inside the crown so there will not be any blackish-gray line around the gum line which is esthetically non-pleasing.E-max crowns can help fix discolored or stained teeth, crooked teeth, chipped or cracked teeth decayed teeth, shape or form of teeth

How is it different from a Zirconium Crown?

E-Max and Zirconia both are metal-free dental crowns. Both are used as esthetic restorative materials. However, each material has unique characteristics that make them suitable for use for different occasions. The choice depends upon the dental condition and dentists recommendation. Zirconium Dioxide is a white crystalline oxide of zirconium. It is ceramic, also a strong material, resistant to wear, and difficult to crack for  its mechanical properties. It is a biocompatible material that is very similar to the qualities of a genuine tooth. Zirconium and porcelain are the two materials used to create zirconia crowns. On the interior of the crown, zirconium is used while the exterior is molded from porcelain

Zirconium is pale in color, which makes it blend in well with natural tooth and prevents it from exhibiting unsightly lines like PFM crowns do. Zirconia crowns are more opaque compared to E-Max crowns. Therefore, dentists recommend zirconium crowns for back teeth , that is where esthetics is not of concern and  they require sturdy material that can survive a lot of biting and chewing. Zirconium is recommended for dark teeth underneath because the opaqueness helps in covering the dark shade.

Zirconia vs E-Max crowns

Zirconia and E-Max crowns can be used to restore teeth that are severely decaying, missing, crooked, or otherwise damaged. Compared to earlier PFM crowns with metal lines, both materials are much better. Both materials are biocompatible with soft and hard tissues. E-Max crowns are more translucent. Patients who want their front teeth replaced may prefer E- max for its translucency. E-Max crowns can be used to replace back teeth as well contrary to the misconception that only zirconia crowns can be used to replace back teeth.

Despite the fact that E-Max crowns are translucent, the material can be shaped to be strong enough to replace back molars. Hence, both zirconia and E-Max crowns can be used for both front teeth and back teeth. Depending on the patient’s bite, if a patient has bruxism, it is better to go for zirconia. If not, E-Max may be the more aesthetic choice. Whether you use E-Max or zirconia crowns

It depends on how many teeth need to be replaced. While both are highly suited for replacing a single tooth, multiple usage in dental bridges or for adjacent teeth depends on dental consideration. Since it cannot provide the resistance needed by lengthy bridges, E-Max crowns are recommended on short bridges.

Ways to keep your E-Max prosthesis in good condition and trouble-free
  • Do not bite on your fingernails
  • Do not use your teeth to unclog any container
  • Use splints in ase, If you are a person who clenches teeth at night
  • Have relaxation habit and de stress before sleeping
  • Have perfect dental hygiene that meets the need of your teeth
  • Keep you dental follow up on time

If you need to replace a crown, E-Max is one of the best options. The benefits are easily appreciable. If you are desiring for the best esthetic appearance , Schedule an Appointment with us today!!!

Click Here to know more about Dental Crown for your children is required?

Visit Credence Dental today to get more information on types of E-Max crowns and what suits you.

Our dentist provides the best dental consultation.

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