General and Preventive Dentistry

6 Reasons Why We Avoid The Dentist and Why we shouldn’t do this mistake

Visiting the dentist on a regular basis is essential for maintaining the health of your teeth and mouth. So, why do so many people avoid going to the dentist?

Despite how many jokes there are about dentists, it’s not a terrifying place! Fear has no excuse to be present in our minds well before we go inside! What else is there to be concerned about when modern medicine assures that treatments are often painless? In this post, we’ll discuss the most common reasons why individuals try to avoid going to the dentist…and why you shouldn’t.

  • Fear of Dental Expenses

The first factor that is known to create dental phobia is the expense. Treatment plans and treatments might be expensive. The fact is that if you take proper care of your dental hygiene, regular dental checkups will not be ridiculously expensive. Preventative treatment is essential in the field of oral health, and taking excellent care of your teeth by scheduling regular dentist checkups can save you a substantial burden or even hospitalisation in the future. Poor oral health can have an impact on the rest of your body, particularly your heart. When we consider the larger picture, it’s clear that caring for our teeth is equally as vital as caring for the rest of our body.

  • Fear or needing Dental Work and Following Costs

The basic requirement for dental work, such as fillings, wisdom tooth removal, or root canal therapy, is a key cause for patients delaying their dental visit. These types of dental surgeries may be costly and painful. Even if a procedure is required and would benefit them in the long term, some people prefer to postpone going to the dentist rather than confronting and dealing with the problem. Unfortunately, doing so might lead to further issues and a worsening of the problem. If you have any doubts regarding the necessity for dental work, you should see your dentist right away.

  • Bad Memories

If you’ve ever had a horrible experience at the dentist, even as a youngster, these negative memories might stick with you and prompt you to avoid going to the dentist. If you’ve ever been in agony or discomfort, you may have long-lasting memories of that event. Reassuringly, dental procedures have evolved significantly in recent years, with many dentists now going out of their way to deliver a positive experience.

  • Fear of Being Lectured

Many of us are aware that the dentist will advise us to care for our teeth better or in a different manner. If you are aware that you have been ignoring flossing or brushing correctly, knowing that this lecture is coming may be enough to cause you to postpone your visit. In reality, dentists and dental hygienists prefer to gently counsel patients on how to improve their dental practises rather than reprimand them.

  • Being Too Busy

Many of us have busy lives, which can make finding time to schedule an appointment, and then actually getting there, difficult. If we continue to postpone our visit, it will become increasingly impossible to travel there. In truth, scheduling a dentist appointment takes no more than two minutes, and most check-ups should take no more than thirty minutes.

  • Fear of Instruments or Dental Anxiety

The noises and sensations of the devices used on their teeth can be frightening for some people. In actuality, however, there have been several technological improvements that have significantly reduced pain and discomfort at the dentist. If you are afraid of any of the instruments, please inform your dentist during your visit so that he or she can explain their purpose and assess your comfort levels. To overcome these fears, your dentist recommends listening to music throughout your treatment and discussing with your specific dentist to create the greatest overall atmosphere for you. There’s no excuse to feel uncomfortable in the dentist’s chair when you have sedation dentistry, among other options.

These are some of the most common reasons that people often tend to postpone their dental visits. We must make time to visit the dentist in order to avoid having to go twice as often in the future. Take the essential precautions today to ensure that you have a pleasant and healthy smile for many years to come!

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

General and Preventive Dentistry

Importance Of Replacing Missing Teeth

Having missing teeth can be a cause of embarrassment and discomfort, especially when it affects the way you look, speak or eat. While many people consider it a cosmetic issue, missing teeth can have significant impacts on your oral health and overall wellbeing. Replacing missing teeth is therefore crucial to maintaining your oral health, bite, and self-esteem.

Here are some of the reasons why you should replace missing teeth:
Restore Your Smile and Confidence

One of the primary reasons why people replace missing teeth is to improve their appearance. Missing teeth can be unsightly, causing people to feel insecure and self-conscious about their smile. Replacing your missing teeth, whether with dental implants, dentures, or bridges, can help restore your natural smile and your confidence, giving you a more youthful, attractive appearance.

Prevent Jawbone Loss

When a tooth is missing, the jawbone below it no longer receives stimulation from that tooth’s roots. This lack of stimulation causes the bone to lose density and resorb, which can weaken your jaw and cause changes in your facial structure over time. Replacing missing teeth through dental implantation, for example, can help stimulate bone growth, preventing bone loss and maintaining your facial structure.

Maintain Proper Bite Alignment

Missing teeth can also disrupt the alignment of your bite, causing adjacent teeth to shift and tilt out of position. This shift can lead to improper bite alignment, creating problems with your jaw joint, as well as increased pressure on remaining teeth that can lead to further damage or decay over time. Replacing missing teeth with bridges, implants, or dentures can help restore proper bite alignment, preventing future damage to your teeth and jaw.

Improve Your Ability to Speak and Eat

Missing teeth can make it difficult to speak and eat, particularly if they are located in the front of your mouth. Replacing missing teeth can help improve speech clarity by providing support for the lips, tongue, and cheeks, as well as improving your ability to chew and eat foods that may have been difficult to consume.

Prevent Further Dental Complications

Untreated missing teeth can lead to other dental complications, such as tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. It can also increase the risk of bite misalignment, TMJ problems, and additional tooth loss. Replacing missing teeth can help prevent these complications from arising, keeping your oral health and smile in top condition.

In conclusion, replacing missing teeth is essential to maintaining good oral health, enhancing your smile, and preventing future complications. If you are missing teeth, talk to your dentist about the best treatment options for you. Book an appointment today so you can restore your natural smile and enjoy a happier, healthier life.

Visit Credence Dental today to get more information on types of tooth replacement and what suits you.

Our dentist provides the best dental consultation.

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Pediatric Dentistry

Is Thumb Sucking Harmful For Your Child?

What is Thumb Sucking?

Thumb sucking is the placement of the thumb or finger at various depths into the mouth. This habit is usually not considered abnormal during the first 2 years of life. But if it extends beyond 4 years, then there is some psychological or habitual bearing to it. In both cases, the habit is considered to be harmful for the child.

What causes your child to start thumb sucking?

Babies have natural sucking or rooting reflexes. The mouth is a source of gratification for the infant. An infant associates sucking with pleasurable feelings like hunger, satiety and being held. Hence it is a normal comforting behaviour in young children. It helps self-soothe, feel secure and help them go to sleep. But if this habit persists as the child grows it calls for concern or visit Credence Dental for an expert’s advice.

It can be due to many reasons like inadequate breast-feeding, insecurity of child due to working parents, greater number of siblings, peer pressure, stress, difficulty in social adjustment. It is seen that the younger sibling, the more the frequency of thumb sucking. In the newborn the habit is due to hunger, in the first few weeks of life due to feeding problems, as a tooth during eruption of back teeth and at a later age due to emotional problems.

How will thumb sucking harm the child?

Because of thumb sucking, the child, when he puts his thumb in mouth, along with just placing it inside the mouth he tries to suck on it and applies a tremendous amount of force against his upper teeth. Due to this, his front teeth become flared and get pushed forward, and gaps start forming in between the teeth causing an unesthetic appearance. Also, because of this force, the back teeth get pushed inwards causing problems in bite which causes orthodontic problems at a later stage.

 The effects of thumb sucking mainly depends on three factors – the duration, frequency and intensity with which the habit is performed. A rise in any of these factors is harmful for the teeth. Thumb sucking can also give rise to other oral habits like mouth breathing and tongue Thursting.

When should I intervene?

Before 4 years of age, the child’s level of understanding complicates cooperation with any of the intervention options. Also, the habit does not cause much harmful effects during this age. But try keeping the child busy in doing anything so that he does not engage in the habit. Care should be taken in that enough time is given to breast-feeding to infants to decrease their urge in sucking habits and also bottle fed infants should be held by their mother and enough time should be given to this process.

After 4 years of age, intervention is needed. Use psychological plays and a reward system for the child. Discuss the problem and its effect on the teeth. Keep a daily record of episodes of digit sucking and check on the child’s progress in stopping the habit. A decrease in the number of times the habit is practiced is evidence of progress and indicates that the child will likely discontinue the habit.

Do not get over anxious regarding the habit and punish the child. This can create greater tension and may even intensify the habit. You should disregard the habit and not mention it to the child.

Use positive reinforcement. A timed reward system may also help. For each day the child refrains from the habit for a set period of time, a star is placed on a calendar. In week 1, the child receives some reward or prize predetermined by the parent if the child refrains from thumb sucking for say, 10 minutes. With each day of success during this time period, the child is praised individually and also through positive comments to family friends and relatives.

In successive weeks, increasing the time challenge, the child refrains from sucking.

The prizes are progressively enhanced in value for the child. The goal is to help the child control the urge to suck. If the child continues to successfully control the habit for 3 months, the long-term chances of stopping the habit are good.

When you are at home, try spending ample amount of time with your child, so that he does not have a feeling of insecurity. After 6 years of age, the psychological approach becomes difficult to implement as the habit has become deeply ingrained in the child, as this the child who has tried to stop but cannot get it done. This requires the use of reminder therapy and dental habit-breaking appliances to stop the habit.

Reminder therapy employs the use of some distasteful or bitter tasting agents on the finger, tying of ace-bandage on the elbow, use of long-sleeve night-gown or mittens. There are various intraoral appliances which prevents the child to put his finger entirely into the mouth thereby robbing the pleasure of sucking. 

Click Here to know more about Thumb Sucking 

Visit Credence Dental today or Schedule an Appointment with us today!!!

Our dentist provides the best dental consultation.

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Dentures, Crowns and Bridges

Ceramic Crowns – Everything You Need To Know !

What are E-Max crowns: Everything you need to know about these Ceramic Crowns

Has your dentist ever recommended an E max crown for you? If yes, let’s visit Credence Dental to get to know what these crowns exactly are. E-Max crowns are Dental Crowns made entirely with special ceramic material which is durable as well as aesthetically appealing. These special crowns material is helpful for reinforcing the tooth structure of your teeth and thus protecting it from further damage. The brand is often known as E max or simply max crowns which are used as an add on treatment after a root canal procedure

Advantages of E-Max crowns

E-Max crowns are a type of all-ceramic crown that are favored for its durable, attractive characteristics. Ceramic composed of lithium disilicate is used to make E-Max crowns. It is made from a single block lithium disilicate which makes it a very high strength crown. It is a superior grade substance that is regarded for its toughness, durability, and opaque properties. As the crown is translucent, it is said to be the greatest option for blending in with your natural teeth.

This property makes it a popular choice for restoration in your front teeth. There is no metal inside the crown so there will not be any blackish-gray line around the gum line which is esthetically non-pleasing.E-max crowns can help fix discolored or stained teeth, crooked teeth, chipped or cracked teeth decayed teeth, shape or form of teeth

How is it different from a Zirconium Crown?

E-Max and Zirconia both are metal-free dental crowns. Both are used as esthetic restorative materials. However, each material has unique characteristics that make them suitable for use for different occasions. The choice depends upon the dental condition and dentists recommendation. Zirconium Dioxide is a white crystalline oxide of zirconium. It is ceramic, also a strong material, resistant to wear, and difficult to crack for  its mechanical properties. It is a biocompatible material that is very similar to the qualities of a genuine tooth. Zirconium and porcelain are the two materials used to create zirconia crowns. On the interior of the crown, zirconium is used while the exterior is molded from porcelain

Zirconium is pale in color, which makes it blend in well with natural tooth and prevents it from exhibiting unsightly lines like PFM crowns do. Zirconia crowns are more opaque compared to E-Max crowns. Therefore, dentists recommend zirconium crowns for back teeth , that is where esthetics is not of concern and  they require sturdy material that can survive a lot of biting and chewing. Zirconium is recommended for dark teeth underneath because the opaqueness helps in covering the dark shade.

Zirconia vs E-Max crowns

Zirconia and E-Max crowns can be used to restore teeth that are severely decaying, missing, crooked, or otherwise damaged. Compared to earlier PFM crowns with metal lines, both materials are much better. Both materials are biocompatible with soft and hard tissues. E-Max crowns are more translucent. Patients who want their front teeth replaced may prefer E- max for its translucency. E-Max crowns can be used to replace back teeth as well contrary to the misconception that only zirconia crowns can be used to replace back teeth.

Despite the fact that E-Max crowns are translucent, the material can be shaped to be strong enough to replace back molars. Hence, both zirconia and E-Max crowns can be used for both front teeth and back teeth. Depending on the patient’s bite, if a patient has bruxism, it is better to go for zirconia. If not, E-Max may be the more aesthetic choice. Whether you use E-Max or zirconia crowns

It depends on how many teeth need to be replaced. While both are highly suited for replacing a single tooth, multiple usage in dental bridges or for adjacent teeth depends on dental consideration. Since it cannot provide the resistance needed by lengthy bridges, E-Max crowns are recommended on short bridges.

Ways to keep your E-Max prosthesis in good condition and trouble-free
  • Do not bite on your fingernails
  • Do not use your teeth to unclog any container
  • Use splints in ase, If you are a person who clenches teeth at night
  • Have relaxation habit and de stress before sleeping
  • Have perfect dental hygiene that meets the need of your teeth
  • Keep you dental follow up on time

If you need to replace a crown, E-Max is one of the best options. The benefits are easily appreciable. If you are desiring for the best esthetic appearance , Schedule an Appointment with us today!!!

Click Here to know more about Dental Crown for your children is required?

Visit Credence Dental today to get more information on types of E-Max crowns and what suits you.

Our dentist provides the best dental consultation.

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