Braces, Aligners and Orthodontics

Enhancing Oral Health: Orthodontic Solutions for Dental Issues

Orthodontic treatment serves as more than just a cosmetic solution – it addresses a range of dental concerns that impact oral health and overall well-being. Beyond aesthetics, orthodontics tackles misalignments, gaps, and bite problems, playing a crucial role in achieving optimal dental health. This article delves into the dental issues that orthodontic treatment effectively resolves, offering both functional and aesthetic benefits.

  1. Correcting Malocclusions and Misaligned Teeth

Orthodontic treatment takes aim at malocclusions, commonly referred to as “bad bites.” These issues, which encompass overcrowding, gaps, and crooked teeth, not only affect the appearance but also hinder proper oral hygiene. Orthodontic devices like braces and aligners work to align teeth, closing gaps and rectifying overcrowding. By achieving proper alignment, this treatment not only enhances smiles but also minimizes the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and enamel erosion due to improper bite alignment.

  1. Resolving Overbites, Underbites, and Crossbites

Orthodontic interventions effectively address various bite problems including overbites, underbites, and crossbites. An overbite occurs when upper teeth excessively cover the lower teeth, while an underbite involves the protrusion of lower teeth beyond the upper teeth. Crossbites occur when upper teeth sit behind lower teeth during biting. These issues lead to speech difficulties, chewing challenges, and heightened tooth wear. Orthodontic care corrects these misalignments, enhancing dental function and reducing strain on the jaw joints.

  1. Alleviating TMJ Disorders and Jaw Discomfort

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ) contribute to jaw pain, headaches, and restricted mouth movement. Orthodontic treatment focuses on realigning the jaw, promoting harmonious functioning of temporomandibular joints. Through bite correction, orthodontics eases pressure on the jaw joints, mitigating TMJ-related discomfort and improving overall jaw mobility.

  1. Enhancing Speech Impairments

Dental problems like misaligned teeth and malocclusions can impede speech clarity. Orthodontic care rectifies these concerns by optimizing teeth and tongue positioning for articulate speech. By aligning teeth and addressing bite-related issues, orthodontics aids in achieving clearer speech and better pronunciation.

  1. Preventing Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Crooked, overlapping, or overcrowded teeth pose challenges for maintaining oral hygiene. Effective brushing and flossing become difficult, leading to plaque accumulation and an increased susceptibility to tooth decay and gum disease. Orthodontic treatment aligns teeth, facilitating proper cleaning and reducing the likelihood of dental issues. This contributes to healthier gums and teeth.


Orthodontic treatment goes beyond aesthetics, providing solutions for various dental issues. By addressing malocclusions, misalignments, bite problems, TMJ disorders, speech impairments, and oral hygiene challenges, orthodontics significantly enhances oral health. Seeking professional orthodontic care can alleviate discomfort, lower the risk of dental diseases, improve bite function, and ultimately lead to improved dental well-being. Consulting with an orthodontist guides patients toward appropriate treatment, fostering a healthier, more confident smile.

Visit Credence Dental today to get more information.

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Keywords: orthodontic treatment, dental concerns, malocclusions, misaligned teeth, bite issues, TMJ disorders, speech impairments, oral hygiene, dental health

Braces, Aligners and Orthodontics

Orthodontic Care at Home During COVID-19 Pandemic

While most dentists and dental clinics are closed across the world amidst COVID-19 concerns, it is indeed stressful if you are undergoing dental treatments or have a dental emergency. Well, staying locked at home can be traumatizing and further more worrisome when you encounter a dental issue. Worry not! We are always open to help you in many ways to keep your smile looking great while you stay at home. We’ve compiled a list of 6 important tips that you can practice to take care for your smile if you are wearing Braces or Aligners.

  • Brush and floss your teeth regularly

It is always important to keep your teeth clean. Whether you are undergoing orthodontic treatment or not. It is highly recommend to brush twice a day – Once in the morning and once at night before bedtime. In addition to Brushing, dental surgeons advise flossing (little tricky with braces but can become a daily routine with practice), as it is one of the important and effective habits that can help dislodge food between your teeth and lower the bacteria

  • Brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste and use of fluoride containing mouth wash

Orthodontists suggest soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste for brushing the teeth gently, as they should not dislodge the bracket. Fluoride toothpaste are still an essential part of good oral hygiene. This is simply because fluoride is a powerful anti-cavity agent! After brushing, clean your teeth with a fluoride mouthwash. This helps to keep white spots and cavities away.

  • Don’t panic when brackets and arch wires  become loose

If a wire or band breaks, don’t be scared! It can happen to anyone at any time during the orthodontic treatment. If the wire irritates you, gently push the irritating wire out of the way with cotton. Place the wet cotton on the wire if discomfort still exists. If the wire is loose and rubs your cheek, apply dental wax or soft chewing gum over it, to avoid hurting your mouth further or swallowing it. However, contact your dentist via online Dental Consultation to assess the severity and further actions

  • Clean your aligners (if you wear them)

Once you remove the aligners, make sure you rinse them under running water before putting them back in your mouth. It is recommended to clean your aligners twice a day with soap and do not soak or scrub them in hot water and ensure to keep them away from direct sunlight. Rinse your mouth after every meal and brush and floss twice daily

  • Avoid Hard and sticky foods

Do not try to eat anything hard ‘and Sticky foods like nuts, popcorn, peanut butter, corn chips, caramel and whole raw fruit especially can break your brackets. If you are wearing metal braces these hard foods can crack your brackets. The best option would be to consume soft foods as advised by your dentist, or processed food which is easier to chew. Also, don’t forget to drink water as much as you can without ice

  • Quit smoking and chewing tobacco

In general, smoking is harmful to your oral health and can cause oral cancer. It has been observed that smoking can adversely affect the performance of orthodontic treatments. The nicotine content in tobacco may cause stains on the braces especially for those wearing clear aligners. In worst cases, smoking may even hinder the braces’ ability to align teeth.

If you are undergoing an orthodontic treatment, then tobacco chewing is not recommended at all, because tobacco can get stuck in the brackets and stain the teeth as well as the Invisalign or ceramic braces.

Most importantly, follow the orthodontist’s instructions properly. If you were prescribed to wear retainers or aligners, make sure you wear them for the recommended amount of time and follow the guidelines exactly as instructed.

These are general tips that you can ensure while staying at home to get the best out of your Orthodontic Treatment with Braces.

Call your dentist right away if you have any queries.

Our orthodontic team is available for Online Dental Consultation and we would be happy to answer any questions or discuss any issues you may have.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

Braces, Aligners and Orthodontics

Can Braces Change Your Face Shape?

Braces not only affect the alignment of your teeth, but they also considerably influence appearance of other orofacial structures such as lips, jawline, and overall facial profile. As a result, many people worry if braces can alter the structure or form of their faces.

So, do braces alter the shape of your face?

Yes and no at the same time is the answer!

Continue reading to learn more!

What Effects Do Braces Have on Your Facial Structure and Shape?

The goal of braces therapy is to straighten teeth and produce a proper bite connection between the upper and lower teeth. Regardless, of whether fixed braces or transparent aligners are used, tooth alignment forces the soft tissues that cover them (gums, lips and cheeks) to adjust to the new alignment of your teeth and bite.

In most cases, patients with protruding front teeth, frequently have protruding lips and lip incompetency (meaning their upper and lips are commonly apart at rest and the patient usually has to make a conscious effort to keep their mouth closed).

Braces or orthodontic treatment often necessitates dental extractions for such patients. Dental extractions assist in the creation of spaces within the dental arch for the projecting front teeth to recede backwards. The covering lips also migrate backwards as the protruding front teeth withdraw, assisting in the enhancement of lip competency. This Change is usually a gradual with braces.

However, if you have an underbite and we align your upper and lower teeth properly, it might give you the illusion of a “plumper” upper lip.

Do Braces Change Your Jawline?

This is possible for developing children with interceptive orthodontic therapy (also known as dento-facial orthopaedics or growth modifying treatment). These are recommended for children who have skeletal growth differences or imbalances between their upper and lower jaws, resulting in a misaligned or inappropriate bite relationship. Only growing children with still-developing bones can benefit from this.

The response to this question will be No, if you are an adult. Braces cannot change your jawline.

Jaw surgery is the sole option to change the appearance of the jawline for fully grown adults. This necessitates a tight coordination between the Orthodontist and the Oral Surgeon for sophisticated planning and treatment.


Orthodontic therapy is a sophisticated and individualized service because it requires an understanding of the delicate link between your teeth alignment, jaws, and facial features. There are many factors that need to be considered before getting your braces.

Make an appointment with our orthodontist now for a personalised diagnostic and treatment plan if you’re thinking about getting that gorgeous smile you’ve always wanted!

Call us at +91-9141160212 for more details.

Braces, Aligners and Orthodontics

Straight Teeth with Braces: All the Medical Benefits

Braces have been a popular treatment option for kids and adults who want a more attractive smile. While a beautiful smile is appealing, braces also have medical benefits, some of which may surprise you.

Continue reading to learn more!

Here are some Medical Benefits of Braces

  1. Improved Bite

While one of the purposes of braces is to straighten crooked teeth, they are also used to fix bites that are out of alignment. A ‘bite’ is the dental term for how your upper and lower teeth fit together. When you have gaps in your bite due to missing or misaligned teeth, it can affect your ability to break down food, which is an important element of healthy digestion. A misaligned bite can make it difficult to chew properly or even eat.

A misaligned bite can become painful if left untreated, as your jaw needs to work harder to chew. This can lead to lock jaw, TMJ disease, and jaw pain-related migraines, all of which may necessitate complex dental and medical therapy.

  1. Better Oral Hygiene Practices

It’s more difficult to keep your teeth clean if they’re crowded and crooked. It’s likely that parts of the tooth are hidden behind another tooth, making cleaning and flossing nearly impossible. Bacteria can build up on teeth if they aren’t properly cleaned, leading to gum disease and cavities. Gum diseases can alleviate underlying heart problems and one of the causes for preterm birth. Brushing and flossing should improve naturally as crowded teeth are straightened.

In general, brushing twice a day, using mouthwash, and flossing everyday are all good dental hygiene habits. When you have braces on your teeth, regular dental hygiene is even more crucial to avoid foul breath, gum disease, and tooth stains. Brushing and flossing between and around the brackets and wires is especially important when wearing braces. This can help foster new habits that, when combined with more frequent dental appointments, will result in better habits that will last a lifetime.

  1. Enhanced Jaw Alignment

Some speech impairments might be caused by teeth overcrowding or jaw misalignment. On the bright side, orthodontic treatment can correct both the jaw and palate alignment issues that cause speech difficulties. Before the braces are applied, an expander may be used as part of the orthodontic therapy to widen the palate.

Better breathing, less snoring, and even improved ear and sinus troubles caused by jaw misalignment can all be benefits of expanding your palate. In fact, by bringing your face into right proportions, excellent jaw alignment can change the way you look.

  1. More Confidence

Confidence has been found to lead to greater success in life. People are less likely to take the risks required to pursue a top job or seek for a promotion if they hide their smile out of embarrassment. When a person is no longer self-conscious about their grin, they gain confidence, which is linked to increased happiness, increased productivity, less social anxiety, and improved health.

It is indeed a major misconception that Orthodontic therapy is for beautification and aesthetic reasons alone! Straight teeth have a host of benefits starting with better health and good oral hygiene, which ensure the pink of health over decades. It’s evident that the medical benefits of braces are just as significant, if not more vital, than a nice-looking smile, with increased smile function, better dental hygiene practices, and more confidence.

Make an appointment with our orthodontist now for a personalized diagnostic and treatment plan if you’re thinking about getting that gorgeous smile you’ve always wanted!

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

Braces, Aligners and Orthodontics Cosmetic Dentistry

Why is it important to rectify the crowding of teeth for good Dental Hygiene?

That’s a lucky tooth! Well, not exactly. You could have teeth crowding or malocclusion.

Read on to learn more about the crowding of teeth and why is it important to rectify this condition.

Crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, crowding, or gaps between teeth call for an orthodontic procedure. Orthodontics is a specialty under dentistry that addresses ill-positioned teeth. The ill-positioned teeth and jaws, leading to misaligned bite patterns in teeth, which is a common problem amongst many children, teenagers, and adults.

The imperfect positioning of the teeth when the jaws are closed is termed as ‘Malocclusion’. This condition does not only affect the shape of the face but also the appearance of teeth. It also impacts the ease of eating, speech, and oral hygiene. There are several reasons that one can have orthodontic issues, all such issues can be addressed and treated with the right procedures from an orthodontist.

Let’s look at what is crowding of teeth and why it is important for your dental hygiene to have your teeth fixed.

Teeth Crowding

Crowding is the insufficient space for all teeth to fit properly into the jaws. The teeth may be angled or displaced. As a consequence, people with this condition of malocclusion (misalignment) have crooked teeth that overlap each other.

Overcrowding can be mild, moderate, or extreme, depending on the size of the patient’s jaw and how many teeth they have:

  • Mild Crowding — Slight dental crowding occurs as one of the front tooth in the upper or lower jaw is partially twisted
  • Moderate Crowding — significant dental crowding is when two or three front teeth converge in the upper or lower jaw
  • Severe Crowding — Severe dental crowding is wherein most of the front teeth converge in the upper or lower jaw

If the tooth-to-jaw size is not in the right ratio, or when the teeth are wider and larger than the space available for their growth, crowding occurs.  Usually, crowding is caused by the early loss of milk teeth, the improper eruption of teeth, or a genetic mismatch between jaw and tooth size.

When a tooth is trapped under the gums and is blocked by other teeth, it is referred to as an ‘impacted tooth’. A lot of people believe this can cause dental crowding. The type of treatment depends on the age of the patient and whether the dental crowding is mild, moderate, or extreme. Popular teeth straightening options for crooked teeth include:

Dental braces are the most popular treatment options for overcrowding, particularly in children. People get braces for both aesthetic and practical purposes (not only to fix their smiles but also to reshape their jaws). There are a few different types of braces to choose from, including conventional metal braces and clear braces. A patient has to visit their orthodontist/dentist every four to eight weeks until the braces are removed. They are left on for twelve months to two years.

Clear teeth-aligners, such as Invisalign are another alternative to fixed braces. They are used for straightening not just crowded teeth, but other forms of misalignment as well. Fixed braces can be ugly and odd, causing low self-esteem amongst younger children/Adults. Clear aligners are a good alternative for the fixed braces. The entire treatment comprises clear aligners which must be replaced every 2-3 weeks. During this duration, the patient wears the aligners for about 22hrs a day and for roughly 25-30 weeks to correct even a mild misalignment.

Extreme dental crowding may require dentofacial orthopedics. Orthopedics focuses on guiding facial bone growth and aligning teeth properly in the process.

Crowding should be corrected because it can:

  • Make it much more difficult to properly clean all the surfaces of your teeth
  • Increase the chances of dental decay (because of inadequate cleaning)
  • Increase the chances of gum disease (because of inadequate cleaning)

In addition, straight teeth improve an individuals’ appearance and self-esteem, they also have oral health benefits. For example, straight teeth are easier to clean, brush, and floss between, leading to good oral hygiene. Thus, you are less likely to develop cavities and other oral infections.

The chances of developing tooth decay and gum disease are higher when an individual has moderate to severe teeth crowding. This is because teeth that overlap are more difficult to clean daily. Poor oral hygiene can also lead to general health complications over time, such as a weakened immune system and heart disease (rare). Correcting crowding can help avoid tooth decay and periodontal disease by enhancing the ability to remove plaque from the teeth.

Book an appointment with our expert orthodontic to check whether you have moderate or mild teeth crowding and how our experts can help you in achieving good dental hygiene.

Learn more about braces and orthodontic corrections

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

Braces, Aligners and Orthodontics

With Braces – Bright and Beautiful Smile is No Longer a Dream!

After all, getting straighter teeth with the help of teeth braces isn’t exactly an experience most of us would really like to possess. Dental braces create healthy and beautiful smiles but convincing yourself to opt for it isn’t always going to be an easy or hassle-free decision to make.

A couple of decades ago, when you were to consider orthodontic braces for teeth straightening, you almost certainly imagine a mouth filled with metal brackets and teeth wires. But now, there are a lot of other options out there, depending on your orthodontic problems, needs, and your budget.

Here are the few latest type of braces for straightening teeth that are currently trending in the market which enhances the alignment of teeth.

There are mainly 5 different kinds of braces which include:

  1. Traditional Metal Braces
  2. Ceramic Braces
  3. Lingual Braces
  4. Invisible Braces
  5. Self-ligating Braces

Each type of braces is associated with a set of pros and cons, which must be taken into consideration before starting with the orthodontic treatment.

1. Traditional Metal Braces:

Traditional braces involve brackets and wires, usually made out of stainless steel, which is attached or bonded to the teeth, to permit desired tooth movement and their positioning can be altered as needed. This kind of braces are usually the most effective, least expensive and it is one of the foremost common types of braces used to date.

Pros of traditional braces:

  • This type of braces are the most economic one compare to other types of braces for teeth
  • Traditional metal braces can be used to correct all kinds of teeth alignment issues
  • They are rigid and strong

Cons of traditional braces:

  • They are the most noticeable sort of braces
  • Metal braces and wires can break or become too long, poking the jaw, gums, or cheek tissues
  • Proper oral hygiene and care are necessary and there are food and drink restrictions as well.

2. Ceramic Braces:

Ceramic braces are the most common alternative to traditional braces but the difference lies in the material used as this type of braces are made of tooth-colored ceramic. They are attached/bonded to the teeth to permit desired tooth movement and regular adjustments are necessary. They work effectively as metal braces but they are typically more expensive.

Pros of ceramic braces:

  • Ceramic braces are less noticeable than traditional metal braces
  • They are more aesthetic compare to metal braces

Cons of ceramic braces:

  • They can easily get stained
  • Prone to Frequent breakages/de-bonding as compared to metal braces
  • Ceramic braces are more expensive than traditional metal braces

3. Lingual Braces:

Lingual braces have the same components as conventional braces but they are attached to the lingual or backside of the teeth instead of the front side and that’s why they are almost invisible. Lingual braces are the most uncomfortable type of braces compared to traditional braces as the tongue frequently comes in contact with the braces. Lingual braces can’t be used to treat all types of orthodontic problems, only a few simple corrections can be made.

Pros of lingual braces:

  • Lingual braces are almost invisible in appearance

Cons of lingual braces:

  • Lingual braces may give you a lisp and your speech may get affected as this kind of braces interfere with the movements of the tongue
  • Lingual braces are more expensive than both metal braces and ceramic braces

4. Invisible Braces/Aligners:

These are the most aesthetically pleasing, transparent, plastic form of teeth straighteners or teeth braces used to straighten teeth positions. Invisible braces do not involve brackets and wires but instead, they utilize a series of custom-made clear plastic aligners that are worn over the teeth for a minimum of 22-24 hours a day.

Pros of invisible braces:

  • They are more appealing in appearance and virtually invisible
  • They can correct dental issues such as teeth spacing, crowded teeth, overbites, underbites, and crossbites
  • They are removable.
  • It’s easy to maintain oral hygiene as it’s free from fixed braces and wires
  • It does not poke, scratch or irritate your gums

Cons of invisible braces:

  • The aligners/ trays can become stained or damaged
  • Typically, invisible aligners are more expensive than traditional braces

5. Self-Ligating Braces:

Self-ligating braces are very similar in appearance to traditional metal braces but they utilize inbuilt shutter/clip rather than elastic bands to hold the wire to the brace in place. As a result, there is less friction on the braces and it is usually easier for an individual to maintain a good oral hygiene by maintaining the braces and the teeth clean. Self-Ligating braces are available in both metal and ceramic material.

Self-ligating braces are equally effective as traditional metal braces and may increase control over the appliance, leading to more precise tooth alignment. However, they are often more expensive than conventional braces.

Pros of Self-ligating braces:

  • No elastic bands, so easy to maintain dental hygiene, fewer chances of tooth decay and gum problems
  • Can be used to correct all teeth alignment problems
  • Rigid and strong

Cons of Self-ligating braces:

  • This type of braces is quite visible and noticeable
  • It’s expensive compared to another kind of braces

A Healthy and younger-looking smile is just one of the positive results the braces provide.

To know more about what type of braces you may need, visit our dentist’s team at Credence Dental for a full evaluation and a dental checkup to treat all kinds of orthodontic conditions with the help of braces.

Call us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment with our Braces Specialist

Braces, Aligners and Orthodontics

Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional Metal Braces –Straighten your teeth in style adding some colorful bands!

Braces are not just for kids, so if you aspire for well-aligned teeth and a perfectly beautiful and healthy smile, you can achieve that desired smile and straight teethno matter what your age is.

Arming yourself with the right information about orthodontic options available for getting the teeth braces and the correct treatment path to choose by educating yourself on the latest trends on dental braces treatment before you start prepping for the process can be beneficial in finding a treatment plan that fits your oral care needs, dental health, preferences, and your lifestyle.

Envisioning and expecting what you can achieve at each stage of your dental journey and teeth braces treatments will empower you in making an informed decision, right from the start.

Traditional Metal Braces:

What are Traditional metal braces / conventional braces?

Traditional metal braces are the sleeker, effective, comfortable, and most noticeable type of braces for straightening teeth. They are used to straighten crooked teeth or severely misaligned teeth.

What are traditional metal braces made of?

They are made from superior quality stainless steel which consists of small metal brackets that are bonded directly to an individual’s tooth’s surface with an adhesive, connected by super-thin archwires. The wires and brackets are connected by soft rubber bands called ligatures.

What are the advantages of traditional metal braces?

This design gently puts pressure on each individual tooth, gradually coaxing your teeth to move them to desired positions in very little time.

They are prescribed to align the extremely crowded toothjaw problems, and correct serious bite problems.

Conventional braces are the most economic orthodontic option and it’s least expensive compared to other types of braces for teeth.

If you wish for a personalized touch, a wide range of colorful options for brackets and elastics are available in this type of conventional braces for an aesthetic and more visually appealing experience.

 What are the disadvantages of traditional metal braces?

The main disadvantage of traditional braces is that it has quite a lot of metal appearance in the mouth so if you are conscious about your smile and appearance, less noticeable orthodontics like clear aligners or invisible braces may be a better choice for you to consider.

Metal braces and wires can break and poke gums and cheek.

Proper oral care and dental hygiene are necessary as the food and drinks can get stuck in-between the metal brackets, wires, and elastics which may result in tooth decay/cavities and other dental issues.

They require frequent dental visits (compared to invisible braces) for periodic tightening by the orthodontists so that the steady pressure can gradually align your teeth and your jaws as well.

Who are conventional metal braces for?

Even though we have other orthodontic treatments available, conventional metal braces are still the most common and effective form of teeth straightening modality for all sorts of orthodontic problems.

How do they work?

Bonded or attached to each tooth and are connected by means of an archwire, to permit desired tooth movement and their positioning can be altered as needed.

How long do traditional metal braces take?

Typically, it takes about 12 to 24 months but as every case is different, it depends on a patient’s orthodontic requirements and their oral health conditions.

What is the alternative to conventional metal braces?

Self-ligating braces, Ceramic Braces, Lingual Braces, and invisible braces

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

Braces, Aligners and Orthodontics Cosmetic Dentistry

Invisible Braces – A Clear Way to a Perfectly Healthy Smile

Are invisible braces the perfect choice?

There are several questions you may have in your mind if you’re thinking about getting your braces done as the initial choice may feel like a big decision. Most of us believe that orthodontic treatments are just aesthetic procedures to enhance self-esteem and physical confidence as they are designed just to improve our smile and appearance.

But in reality, orthodontics can do far more than just provide you with straight teeth and an attractive smile, as it corrects your misaligned or crowded teeth which may affect your speech, resolve bite problems and a number of other issues you almost certainly haven’t considered.

If not just aesthetics, what is the need for braces?

If you have noticed that over a period of time, your teeth have gradually become less straight and have shifted positions, then it may be the right time for you to get your braces on, as there is really no reason why you should live with crooked teeth when you have so many great options for straightening your teeth.

Teeth straightening benefits oral health to a greater extent. It’s hard to keep your teeth clean if they overlap each other and there is a greater risk of developing issues such as tooth decay/cavities and gum diseases as well. You can brush and floss easily and effectively when your teeth are aligned. There are many other benefits to correcting your teeth with braces, which can be read here.

When you have finally decided to get braces, the first thing you may want to consider would be whether you want fixed braces or removable braces? There are many types of braces which are dependent on the material, price and form. We will discuss about Invisible Braces in this article.

What are invisible braces/clear aligners? What are the benefits of Invisible Braces?

Invisible braces are the best alternative to conventional or traditional metal braces, to align your teeth in a matter of months as they are barely and virtually invisible and also removable. As the name suggests, they are invisible! Or simply clear braces, which are not as apparent as metal braces or ceramic braces.

Several key benefits of invisible braces are:

  • Removable: Aligner trays can be removed which allows you to eat without the food getting stuck between your teeth. During the treatment, you will be able to brush and floss normally.
  • Clear appearance: Most patients prefer invisible braces because the trays are clear and they are hardly noticeable and it’s the best option for adults who have always wanted to straighten their teeth but were too conscious and hesitated to have metal braces due to the appearance. Clear aligners are subtle enough to go unnoticed when a patient is wearing them
  • Comfort: There are no brackets which may sometimes create sores in your mouth and they are usually more comfortable than fixed braces
  • Cleaning: You can clean the trays by brushing and rinsing the trays in lukewarm water after you eat or drink any food or snacks twice a day.

How long does it take to straighten your teeth using invisible braces?

The length of the treatment varies depending on the patients’ teeth conditions. Usually they are worn for about 22-24 hours a day and most of the cases are completed efficiently in about 8 to 18 months, with fewer dental visits. This will also depend on the patient’s needs and complexity of dental issues.

The trays will move your teeth at a gradual steady pace and the trays are typically changed once every 2 weeks. Visit your dentists for a routine check-up once every 4 to 6 weeks for follow up visits.

Traditional braces versus invisible braces-

Both traditional braces and clear aligners are designed for teeth straightening and to improve oral health to enhance your smile and dental health.

Invisible braces were designed to be invisible!

They are aligner trays that are made of BPA-free clear plastic and are worn over your teeth to fit comfortably and gently move your teeth at a slow pace and gradually straighten your crooked or crowded teeth.

Traditional braces are quite bulky and have sharp edges and ends which may cause irritation on the cheeks, jaws n lips whereas the invisible brace are customized to fit tightly to the teeth and they do not irritate the gums or surrounding tissues in your mouth.

If you would like to determine which type of invisible braces are right for your needs our specialist orthodontists at Credence Dental will suggest and create a right type of treatment plan that will help you achieve your goals for a beautiful younger looking healthy teeth and smile.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment  with our our Braces Specialist today!

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