Cosmetic Dentistry


Who doesn’t love a dazzling white smile? Over time our routine habits like drinking tea or coffee, aerated soft drinks, smoking, certain medications like tetracycline or simply aging can stain our teeth. Yellow teeth are something which is not liked by any person and it also reduces your confidence to talk in public or give a good smile to click pictures.

So You Want Whiter Teeth?

The solution is the Teeth whitening treatment i.e. a process to make your teeth look whiter in appearance. Teeth whitening is one of the most requested procedures by everyone to have a bold and confident smile. It is a quick, non-invasive, and affordable way to enhance your smile.

Why Is Teeth Whitening Needed?

The outer layer of the tooth is called enamel. The color or shade of teeth is created by scattering of light from enamel and the underlying 2nd layer called dentin. Thinner enamel if present will show more dentine color which is yellowish compared to enamel. Also, tooth enamel has pores in it that can easily hold stains, so a rougher tooth surface will stain easily compared to a smooth one.

There can also occur intrinsic stains on a tooth i.e. from within the tooth. The main reason for this is excessive use of fluoride or fewer medications. Teeth whitening is done mainly to remove extrinsic stains.

Bleaching vs Whitening. What is the difference?

The bleaching word is to be used only when teeth are whitened beyond their natural color. This means a bleaching agent is needed to make the teeth look lighter i.e. typically use of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide is done. The term whitening on other hand is used to make a tooth free from any form of debris or dirt. So technically our toothpaste which we use on daily basis is a teeth whitening agent. The term teeth whitening sounds better than bleaching and hence it’s more commonly used on a general basis.

Teeth whitening procedure can be done in two ways i.e. in-office technique where the dentist applies bleaching agents to make your teeth whiter or Home bleaching where you get ready kits available to use at home for lightening teeth shade. The in-office whitening technique is stronger and a quicker way compared to home bleaching kits, and hence preferred more.

Hydrogen peroxide is the main bleaching agent used and its percentage used by a dentist is around 35 to 40% whereas the home bleaching kit has only 7% of hydrogen peroxide

Preparing To Whiten Your Teeth?

Visiting a dentist is the best solution if you wish to make your teeth look whiter. Before starting the teeth whitening procedure your other dental treatments need to be finished as other dental problems can affect the success of teeth whitening treatment. For example, if you have cavities, it needs to be filled first as the bleaching agent can pass through the decayed areas and reach the inner layers of the tooth. Also if your gums have receded down and a teeth whitening agent is applied over them, you might get sensitivity. Also, whitening does not work on crowns, bridges, or veneers. So be careful!!

How is Teeth Whitening Done?

The dentist will first clean your teeth and remove all debris. This will help in keeping teeth clean from bacteria, food, or other substance which might contribute to staining. Once this is done whitening procedure is started where firstly all soft/gum tissue is first protected with a lubricant. Then the whitening agent is applied over the teeth and a light is moved across the agent which helps in removing stains. Overall the procedure takes an hour to complete. You might require 1 to 3 such appointments depending on what method is used, how severe the stains are and how white you want your teeth to be. To enhance the effect supplementary kits might be given which can be applied at home.

For home, whitening dentists can make customized trays for you to place the bleaching agent in the tray and insert in the mouth, or nowadays many over-the-counter bleaching kits are available which can be used directly. If customized trays are used, their fit and adaptation to teeth are better giving a beneficial whitening effect.  Home bleaching may take a week or more to get the desired result as the agent is weaker and requires prolonged time to see the results

Any Risk Associated With Teeth Whitening?

Whitening as such does not cause any ill effects although a few patients might experience slight sensitivity or gum irritation. Women should not do teeth whitening if pregnant as still, its effects on the fetus are unknown.


Whitening is not a permanent solution. The stains will come back. If you consume a lot of caffeine products, smoke, or use tobacco stains can easily come back. If all post-op protocols are followed, you will not need another round of teeth whitening for at least 6-12 months.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Cosmetic Dentistry

Full mouth rehabilitation – A Staged Approach for your Dental needs

Full mouth reconstruction or Full mouth rehabilitation (FMR) as very commonly addressed and known is the process of rebuilding or simultaneously restoring all of the teeth in the upper and lower jaw. FMR means not just treating the complaint but overall treating it in a holistic approach.

What is full mouth rehabilitation?

FMR refers to a series of procedures that aim to restore the functionality of all teeth and gums.

It typically involves general treatments like fillings, caps, and bridge veneers and also incorporates specialists for gum surgeries, braces specialists, or root canal specialists.

Based on a discussion with all specialists and noting down all dental health-related issues a treatment plan is provided for the patient.

The need for full mouth rehabilitation arises due to:

  • Teeth have been lost due to decay or trauma
  • Teeth have been fractured
  • Severely worn-out teeth due to acid erosion
  • Jaw muscle pain or headache due to the same

Goals of Full mouth rehabilitations

Since it’s not just one treatment for every patient, FMR has different goals to achieve for harmonious treatment like

  • Treat gum diseases
  • Repair damaged teeth and restore their functionality
  • Replace missing teeth
  • Create a perfect smile and improve aesthetics
  • Reduce bad odor from oral diseases
  • Stop any tooth pain and illness

How the Process Begins

If you feel you are facing multiple teeth problem which is hampering your daily life, see your dentist for a comprehensive treatment plan. Your dentist will examine your mouth to determine the extent of the problems and give you a customized treatment plan with varied options to select the best one. In particular, the dentist will examine for

Teeth:  The condition of teeth will determine what will you need like just fillings or a few root canals with caps, bridges for missing teeth, implants, or veneers as aesthetic treatment. In short, your dentist will note for several cavities, tooth cracks or fractures, and tooth wear

Gum tissue: If gums are not in a good state, you might need deep cleaning or also might require gum surgeries as gums are the main source of foundation to hold the teeth. So here dentist will check for bleeding from the gums, tooth mobility, or bad odor with inflamed gum tissue.

Aesthetics: The color, shape size, and proportion of teeth will be checked. Also, how teeth appear with gum, lips, mouth, and your side profile face, all will be checked.

Temporomandibular joint, jaw muscles: A stable bite is what is mandatory for every patient as it helps in eating, biting, and avoiding any headaches or malfunction of teeth. Any bite irregularities if present need to be taken into consideration when a treatment plan is decided.

For all this examination dentist will make use of x-rays, photographs, and models of your teeth and make an impression of your teeth to check for bites. Also, your dentist might call for a specialist like an orthodontist, oral surgeon, or prosthodontist for a consultation to make the best treatment plan for you

What Procedures Are Needed?

Most FMR cases involve multiple phases and dental visits. The treatment duration can also be long which will be done in a specific duration giving time for gum tissues to heal.

The following treatments may be done in an FMR case.

  • Fillings for Dental cavities to restore teeth function
  • Prophylactic Teeth cleaning with deep cleaning
  • Preparation of natural tooth structure for caps, bridges, or veneers
  • Crown lengthening to expose healthy, sound tooth structure for crown placement
  • Contouring of gum to make it aesthetic and create harmony in the smile
  • Orthognathic surgeries for repositioning jaws
  • Braces treatment for problems like teeth crowding or spaces that might be hampering your bite
  • Placement of temporary prosthesis so you get used to new teeth and bite 
  • Placement of implant to replace missing teeth
  • Bone grafting to enhance teeth stability and give natural teeth appearance

Full Mouth Rehabilitation vs. Smile Makeover

A smile makeover is something that you opt to get while FMR is something that you need.

As these days many patients desire beautiful natural-looking teeth as primary criteria, and it is becoming hard to draw a line between elective and necessary Dentistry. 

For example, it is now possible for the dentist to treat any cavities with an aesthetic filling and if you need rehabilitation, today’s materials available make it possible to provide sound treatment with aesthetics

The point to be noted is that for both kinds of treatment clinically proven dental materials and techniques, as well as skills training, is important on part of the dentist as both kinds of treatments require somewhat similar knowledge 

Cost of FMR cases

As already known FMR cases do need a lengthy treatment which might go up to a year or so, so the cost of such treatment usually is between Rs 1 to 4 lakhs depending on each case as every patient’s case is unique and a tailored made plan is required

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today! or just drop into our Dental Clinic at RR Nagar in Bangalore

Cosmetic Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry

Does thumb sucking and pacifier affect my child’s teeth?

Thumb sucking, finger sucking or pacifier use is one of the most common infant’s natural reflexes. They begin to suck on their thumb or other fingers while they are in the womb! Infants and young children have a tendency to continue the habit from within the womb and may suck on pacifier and other objects.

The habit provides some children with a sense of security during difficult periods, such as when they are separated from their parents, surrounded by strangers or in an unfamiliar environment. Young children may also thumb-suck to help fall asleep or to soothe themselves.

What is the inherent difference between thumb sucking versus pacifier use?

It is observed that allowing thumb-sucking or soothing with a pacifier could mean fewer sleepless nights for already exhausted parents. Once your toddler reaches age of two or four years, but still continues the use of pacifier or the habit of thumb sucking, then it can prove to be harmful for their teeth. Thumb sucking may be a harder habit to break than pacifier use as it is always available. The advantage of using a pacifier includes being able to take it away when it is no longer appropriate. It’s a concern with children using it throughout the day. They can cause dental imperfection, increased ear infections and sometimes interfere with speech development, depending on use.

What is Pacifier Teeth? What are the effects of Pacifier Teeth?

The term coined ‘pacifier teeth’ specifically refers to the damage brought about by a pacifier. If your growing baby continues using pacifier or sucking thumb:

  • Teeth might end up growing-in crooked
  • Position of the teeth might change
  • Jaw might not be properly aligned
  • There might be bite problems
  • Upper teeth might protrude forward

So what should I do to Break the habit

Thumbsucking or pacifier use can be harmful to your child. It is better to restrain your child from cultivating the habit, as it can often prove difficult to weaning your child from the use of pacifier. Here are some ways in which you can break the habit of thumbsucking or stop the use of pacifier:

  • Instead of chiding your child for thumb sucking, offer praise or a treat for not doing so
  • It is often observed that children suck their fingers when feeling insecure. Focus on correcting the cause of the anxiety and comfort the child.
  • Keep their hands and mind occupied with activities like arts and crafts or place a toy to play with. Sometimes they thumb-suck because they’re bored.
  • For an older child, your dentist can offer encouragement to your child and explain what could happen to their teeth if they do not stop sucking.

Children usually stop sucking between the ages of two and four years old, or by the time the permanent front teeth are ready to erupt. If you notice abnormal changes in your child’s primary teeth, or are concerned about your child’s thumb sucking habit consult your dentist.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Considering dental implants

Dental implants offer a welcome alternative to dentures or bridges.

Dental implants as a tooth replacement

Teeth are present in sockets of the jaw bone. When a tooth is removed, the surrounding bone collapses towards the pocket result in a decrease in the width and height of bone and wears away over time. A dental implant is a top choice for a tooth replacement. Like a healthy tooth, it absorbs and transmits forces to the surrounding tissues, thus maintaining bone levels.

Why dental implants are so popular?

A dental implant is one of the greatest inventions in dentistry in recent years. They became popular as they provide a natural look and comfortable fit. Long-lasting and reliable. High success rate. Especially young aspirants to replace missing natural teeth with implants significantly increased over the years.

How do implants work?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root made of titanium that is surgically placed into your jaw bone. They aid in placing the artificial crown/ tooth. The implant fuses with the jaw bone, providing stable support for the artificial tooth.

What happens during the implant procedure?

A dental implant is usually done in two stages over a few months with healing between stages
It involves:

  • Scans and x rays are required to visualize the surrounding bone support needed for implant placement.
  • The first step involves placing the implant into the jaw bone by drilling the bone to make space for it.
  • Wait for a few months while the bone grows around the dental implant.
  • Once the implant is stable, the dentist creates a foundation for the new tooth.
  • After some time, the impression is taken to make the artificial tooth.
  • Finally, an artificial tooth is screwed or cemented into the foundation.


Unlike natural teeth, implant material does not undergo corrosion or decay by the action of acid, sugar, and bacteria in the mouth. Even though being resistant to decay, implants still need to be maintained likewise natural teeth, the reason being they subjected to gum disease and bone loss around the implant if not thoroughly cleaned.

Bridge making, involves adjacent tooth grinding on both sides to act as an abutments/support through which the replaced artificial tooth is connected, acting as a bridge. On contrary, is an implant that functions as an individual support system without damaging adjacent natural tooth structure.

Benefits over the other alternatives

  • Improved appearance.
  • Improved comfort.
  • Improved oral health: Dental implants don’t require reducing other teeth. Hence leaving the natural tooth intact. Better access between teeth to floss, improving oral hygiene.
  • Improved self-esteem: Dental implants can give you back your pleasant smile, boosting your confidence.
  • Convenience: dental implants eliminate the embarrassing inconvenience of removing dentures.
  • Improved speech: with poor-fitting dentures teeth can slip within the mouth causing you to slur your words. Dental implants
    fuse into the bone, don’t slip like the dentures.
  • Durability- Far better than another alternative.
  • Solid support: dental implants provide a strong basement for partial or full mouth dentures, decreasing the pressure of soft tissues (gums).
  • Easier eating: dental implants acts as a natural tooth increasing chewing efficiency.

In combination with traditional treatment

The entire surface of traditional dentures relies on underlying gums for their support, thus during the process of chewing pressure is applied more on gums compared to the natural teeth or an implant. This eventually results in marked wear of bone. Unlike denture, implant transfer the pressure applied to the surrounding bone preventing bone resorption and provide a strong foundation for the denture. In some cases, the denture will never touch the gums because it is connected to the implant. In many cases, implants are used to anchor partial or complete dentures, providing increased strength, retention, and stability.

Are dental implants noticeable?

No one can make out you have an implant. That’s the miracle. Implants are made to feel completely natural in the mouth. The dentist matches the color and shape of your other teeth to the implant for the perfect match. The only way to discover the dental implant involves a radiograph to show the metal that replaced the root of the

How do I care for dental implants?

Despite being resistant to cavities, implants still need to be maintained as if they are natural teeth because they are subject to gum disease and bone loss around the implant if not properly cleaned.

How long dental implant last?

Implants can function for a long time if you take care properly. They often last long in patients with regular brushing, floss, and follow regular dental visits. Dentists can provide guidelines for better care of your teeth based on proper hygiene, genetic history, and nutritional habits. Following recommendations properly implant has the best chance to last for a lifetime.

How do I know if I am eligible for dental implants?

In general, you are the candidate for dental implants if:

  • One or more missing teeth
  • Sufficient bone to receive implants
  • Jaw bone reached full growth
  • Healthy oral tissues
  • Unwilling for dentures

However, most of the patients are eligible for implants considering the pre-existing medical conditions are under control. You can discuss with your dentist to find out the best plans to undergo the implant procedure.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

Cosmetic Dentistry General and Preventive Dentistry

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin sheets of porcelain or composite resin that are custom made to fit over your teeth, providing a natural look. They can be used to fix chipped, stained, misaligned, worn down, uneven, or abnormally spaced teeth.

How long do porcelain veneers last?

The anticipated shelf-life of a porcelain veneer is usually between seven and 20 years. Veneers sometimes chip off. In such a scenario, they can be repaired or replaced. Also, in due course of time, the living tooth and gum tissue around the veneers will undergo age-related alterations that may require modifications to your veneers.

What do you expect during a veneer procedure?

  • Firstly, a small amount of the tooth structure is removed to facilitate placement of the veneer.
  • An impression of the tooth is taken and forwarded to the dental laboratory.
  • The dental veneer is custom made to accurately adapt to the tooth surface.
  • The veneer is bonded/fixed to the tooth with resin cement.

Aside from eating and drinking many activities, habits and even everyday occurrences can result in sensitivity including –

Are veneers prone to staining?

No, they don’t stain. However, you should try to avoid or minimize habits that lead to stainings like excessive tea or coffee consumption, smoking, and look after them with normal hygiene and maintenance procedures.

What is the difference between veneers and crowns?

Crowns completely cover your teeth like a cap, however, a veneer is a thin sheet of ceramic that is placed to the front/visible surface of your tooth with less impairment to the tooth structure.

Will my veneer teeth be sensitive to hot and cold?

Initially, there will be mild sensitivity to hot and cold beverages due to the removal of a thin layer of the tooth surface. This will subside in a few days. Avoidance of hot and cold beverages is recommended for a few days for the veneers to adapt.

How sturdy are veneers? Are there any diet restrictions if I’m wearing veneers?

Porcelain veneers are very strong. Nevertheless, porcelain is a glass and can crack if very strong forces are applied. It is advisable to avoid chewing hard food items like ice, hard nuts, candy, apples, popcorn. The natural teeth are often damaged by these same foods while porcelain veneers are very resilient, they aren’t indestructible.

Am I prone to cavities with veneers on my teeth?

There is no higher or lower prevalence of tooth decay with veneers as long as they receive appropriate care.

Is the procedure reversible?

Because the procedure involves the removal of a very thin layer of tooth enamel to accommodate the thickness of the veneer, the process is not considered reversible.

 I have a habit of grinding my teeth at night. Will this damage my porcelain veneers?

Yes, this will gradually damage your veneers just as this habit will grind down natural teeth. Consult with your dentist to provide you with a protective bite guard to wear at night to reduce the stress on your teeth while you sleep.

What are the advantages of dental veneers?

The preparation of veneers is conservative in nature, meaning it requires the removal of minimal tooth structure.  They can vastly improve the appearance of your teeth, and gum tissues respond well to dental veneers.  The color of the veneer can be custom selected to match the other teeth and these types of restorations are extremely stain resistant.

How do you care for veneers?

The veneers tend to adhere strongly to your tooth, but you have to keep it clean and free from plaque buildup to ensure its ongoing health and resilience. It is recommended to brush thoroughly around all surfaces of the tooth and floss between the teeth daily. Avoid biting hot foods or drinking hot beverages with your veneers as much as possible and drink less sugary beverages. One of the most important things to remember after you get your veneers is to keep up with twice-yearly appointments for cleanings and checkups.

Getting started with veneers

The best candidates for porcelain veneers have one or more issues that make them unhappy with their smile. To make sure veneers are an option, your dentist will examine you for:

  • Tooth decay
  • The overall health of your gums
  • Overly large fillings
  • Teeth grinding habit i.e. bruxism

Are there any alternatives to dental veneers?

Yes, there are alternatives to dental veneers. The closest substitute to this dental treatment happens to be a composite resin which is a tooth-colored filling substance used to make dental veneers. Dental crowns can also solve the same dental problems as veneers but the latter gives you more natural-looking and lasting results.

Aesthetics of dental veneers

Veneers are aesthetically pleasing. They are designed to mimic the natural tooth; especially the porcelain veneers. Tooth preparation for veneers is conservative. However, the perfection and fitment of the veneers will depend on the dentist and the technique used.

Call us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment.

Cosmetic Dentistry General and Preventive Dentistry Root Canal Treatment and Endodontics

3 Factors That Affect Your Root Canal Treatments’ Longevity

The Success of a Root Canal Treatment (RCT) depends on many factors but the result is crucially dependent on the elimination of root canal infection present before starting the treatment, and the prevention of contamination during treatment.  A successful root canal procedure must be performed with great precision and effective sealing of the roots should be fulfilled.

The longevity of the root canal treatment varies on multiple factors.

Firstly the diagnosis of the root canal problem should be error-free and the root canal procedure should be carried out with much care. Having said that the root canal procedure is conducted on an infected tooth, and is only is fair to say that this tooth is weaker than the rest of the healthy teeth.

One has to understand that to perform the RCT procedure, the endodontic specialist has to drill a hole into the crown of the decayed, infected tooth to clean the pulp. After space is cleaned and shaped, filling the root canal is very crucial. Filling of the root canal is done by using a rubber compound called gutta-percha to protect the teeth from micro-organisms. A temporary filling or crown is used to close the access hole on the crown of the operated tooth. Normally these filling or crowns are made of silver amalgam or composite resins.

The second factor that contributes towards the longevity of the RCT is the care after the root canal sittings. The fitting crown/cap on top of the root canal treated tooth is a must. Many patients neglect the importance of having the root canalled tooth fitted with a cap since the pain has subsided. The RCT-filled tooth, without the crown, has a high risk of fracture, which can be avoided by the fitting of the Crown/cap.

Once the RCT is completed, the after-care is extremely important in determining the life-span of the treatment. Proper care of the affected tooth (in addition to the other teeth) includes brushing, flossing, the right diet, and regular visits to the dentist are very important. Avoiding bad habits like chewing your nails or opening plastic packages with your teeth will also help your crown last longer.

In short, the 3 major considerations to determine the endurance of your RCT starts with the diagnosis. Cautious care for the tooth undergoing the treatment is important and is the second consideration. Once the treatment is completed, the after-care of the RCT is imperative! With these three steps in mind, unquestionably a tooth or teeth with well-treated root canal fillings and restorations will last for many years, if not a lifetime.

Book an appointment with our RCT experts today! Ensure the first step of your RCT is well-taken care of. Our team of endodontists ensures that you are well-aware of the RCT regime. We are with you along with all steps of your Root Canal Treatment and ensure you have complete after-care support.

Consult an RCT specialist to get your root canal treatment procedure for better oral health.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

Braces, Aligners and Orthodontics Cosmetic Dentistry

Why is it important to rectify the crowding of teeth for good Dental Hygiene?

That’s a lucky tooth! Well, not exactly. You could have teeth crowding or malocclusion.

Read on to learn more about the crowding of teeth and why is it important to rectify this condition.

Crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, crowding, or gaps between teeth call for an orthodontic procedure. Orthodontics is a specialty under dentistry that addresses ill-positioned teeth. The ill-positioned teeth and jaws, leading to misaligned bite patterns in teeth, which is a common problem amongst many children, teenagers, and adults.

The imperfect positioning of the teeth when the jaws are closed is termed as ‘Malocclusion’. This condition does not only affect the shape of the face but also the appearance of teeth. It also impacts the ease of eating, speech, and oral hygiene. There are several reasons that one can have orthodontic issues, all such issues can be addressed and treated with the right procedures from an orthodontist.

Let’s look at what is crowding of teeth and why it is important for your dental hygiene to have your teeth fixed.

Teeth Crowding

Crowding is the insufficient space for all teeth to fit properly into the jaws. The teeth may be angled or displaced. As a consequence, people with this condition of malocclusion (misalignment) have crooked teeth that overlap each other.

Overcrowding can be mild, moderate, or extreme, depending on the size of the patient’s jaw and how many teeth they have:

  • Mild Crowding — Slight dental crowding occurs as one of the front tooth in the upper or lower jaw is partially twisted
  • Moderate Crowding — significant dental crowding is when two or three front teeth converge in the upper or lower jaw
  • Severe Crowding — Severe dental crowding is wherein most of the front teeth converge in the upper or lower jaw

If the tooth-to-jaw size is not in the right ratio, or when the teeth are wider and larger than the space available for their growth, crowding occurs.  Usually, crowding is caused by the early loss of milk teeth, the improper eruption of teeth, or a genetic mismatch between jaw and tooth size.

When a tooth is trapped under the gums and is blocked by other teeth, it is referred to as an ‘impacted tooth’. A lot of people believe this can cause dental crowding. The type of treatment depends on the age of the patient and whether the dental crowding is mild, moderate, or extreme. Popular teeth straightening options for crooked teeth include:

Dental braces are the most popular treatment options for overcrowding, particularly in children. People get braces for both aesthetic and practical purposes (not only to fix their smiles but also to reshape their jaws). There are a few different types of braces to choose from, including conventional metal braces and clear braces. A patient has to visit their orthodontist/dentist every four to eight weeks until the braces are removed. They are left on for twelve months to two years.

Clear teeth-aligners, such as Invisalign are another alternative to fixed braces. They are used for straightening not just crowded teeth, but other forms of misalignment as well. Fixed braces can be ugly and odd, causing low self-esteem amongst younger children/Adults. Clear aligners are a good alternative for the fixed braces. The entire treatment comprises clear aligners which must be replaced every 2-3 weeks. During this duration, the patient wears the aligners for about 22hrs a day and for roughly 25-30 weeks to correct even a mild misalignment.

Extreme dental crowding may require dentofacial orthopedics. Orthopedics focuses on guiding facial bone growth and aligning teeth properly in the process.

Crowding should be corrected because it can:

  • Make it much more difficult to properly clean all the surfaces of your teeth
  • Increase the chances of dental decay (because of inadequate cleaning)
  • Increase the chances of gum disease (because of inadequate cleaning)

In addition, straight teeth improve an individuals’ appearance and self-esteem, they also have oral health benefits. For example, straight teeth are easier to clean, brush, and floss between, leading to good oral hygiene. Thus, you are less likely to develop cavities and other oral infections.

The chances of developing tooth decay and gum disease are higher when an individual has moderate to severe teeth crowding. This is because teeth that overlap are more difficult to clean daily. Poor oral hygiene can also lead to general health complications over time, such as a weakened immune system and heart disease (rare). Correcting crowding can help avoid tooth decay and periodontal disease by enhancing the ability to remove plaque from the teeth.

Book an appointment with our expert orthodontic to check whether you have moderate or mild teeth crowding and how our experts can help you in achieving good dental hygiene.

Learn more about braces and orthodontic corrections

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment today!

Braces, Aligners and Orthodontics Cosmetic Dentistry

Invisible Braces – A Clear Way to a Perfectly Healthy Smile

Are invisible braces the perfect choice?

There are several questions you may have in your mind if you’re thinking about getting your braces done as the initial choice may feel like a big decision. Most of us believe that orthodontic treatments are just aesthetic procedures to enhance self-esteem and physical confidence as they are designed just to improve our smile and appearance.

But in reality, orthodontics can do far more than just provide you with straight teeth and an attractive smile, as it corrects your misaligned or crowded teeth which may affect your speech, resolve bite problems and a number of other issues you almost certainly haven’t considered.

If not just aesthetics, what is the need for braces?

If you have noticed that over a period of time, your teeth have gradually become less straight and have shifted positions, then it may be the right time for you to get your braces on, as there is really no reason why you should live with crooked teeth when you have so many great options for straightening your teeth.

Teeth straightening benefits oral health to a greater extent. It’s hard to keep your teeth clean if they overlap each other and there is a greater risk of developing issues such as tooth decay/cavities and gum diseases as well. You can brush and floss easily and effectively when your teeth are aligned. There are many other benefits to correcting your teeth with braces, which can be read here.

When you have finally decided to get braces, the first thing you may want to consider would be whether you want fixed braces or removable braces? There are many types of braces which are dependent on the material, price and form. We will discuss about Invisible Braces in this article.

What are invisible braces/clear aligners? What are the benefits of Invisible Braces?

Invisible braces are the best alternative to conventional or traditional metal braces, to align your teeth in a matter of months as they are barely and virtually invisible and also removable. As the name suggests, they are invisible! Or simply clear braces, which are not as apparent as metal braces or ceramic braces.

Several key benefits of invisible braces are:

  • Removable: Aligner trays can be removed which allows you to eat without the food getting stuck between your teeth. During the treatment, you will be able to brush and floss normally.
  • Clear appearance: Most patients prefer invisible braces because the trays are clear and they are hardly noticeable and it’s the best option for adults who have always wanted to straighten their teeth but were too conscious and hesitated to have metal braces due to the appearance. Clear aligners are subtle enough to go unnoticed when a patient is wearing them
  • Comfort: There are no brackets which may sometimes create sores in your mouth and they are usually more comfortable than fixed braces
  • Cleaning: You can clean the trays by brushing and rinsing the trays in lukewarm water after you eat or drink any food or snacks twice a day.

How long does it take to straighten your teeth using invisible braces?

The length of the treatment varies depending on the patients’ teeth conditions. Usually they are worn for about 22-24 hours a day and most of the cases are completed efficiently in about 8 to 18 months, with fewer dental visits. This will also depend on the patient’s needs and complexity of dental issues.

The trays will move your teeth at a gradual steady pace and the trays are typically changed once every 2 weeks. Visit your dentists for a routine check-up once every 4 to 6 weeks for follow up visits.

Traditional braces versus invisible braces-

Both traditional braces and clear aligners are designed for teeth straightening and to improve oral health to enhance your smile and dental health.

Invisible braces were designed to be invisible!

They are aligner trays that are made of BPA-free clear plastic and are worn over your teeth to fit comfortably and gently move your teeth at a slow pace and gradually straighten your crooked or crowded teeth.

Traditional braces are quite bulky and have sharp edges and ends which may cause irritation on the cheeks, jaws n lips whereas the invisible brace are customized to fit tightly to the teeth and they do not irritate the gums or surrounding tissues in your mouth.

If you would like to determine which type of invisible braces are right for your needs our specialist orthodontists at Credence Dental will suggest and create a right type of treatment plan that will help you achieve your goals for a beautiful younger looking healthy teeth and smile.

Call us or Whatsapp us at +91-9141160212 to book an appointment  with our our Braces Specialist today!

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